AK crashing out earlier
that nigga started breaking down at the end
recording of what?
Not sure one of the drake pages had a theory that there might be a recording that drake has of Kendrick doing something and that’s why there’s a little freeze frame of a recording sign in the family matters video @CliCity
so u mean to tell me this Nigga gave us a hint by capitalizing certain letters
calendar IQ 🗓️
if i had to fight the riddler id just quit
that jegro a f***ing himbo 😭
ok lets say hypothetically kendrick has another diss to drop against drake that was going to drop tonight before being pulled after the shooting
what is the appropriate amount of time to wait before dropping it
Prolly a week. And it's fine as long as it doesn't mention guns or shooting
But then again Kendrick really hates this guy
ok lets say hypothetically kendrick has another diss to drop against drake that was going to drop tonight before being pulled after the shooting
what is the appropriate amount of time to wait before dropping it
kendrick is a psychopath i dont think he cares abt whats appropriate
If u talk about a cat you gotta post a pic of the cat
oh i see... lemme try to find a pic...
Truly horrific take time: I wish Pac didn't multi-track his vocals so much, I don't think it sounds that great
Agreed, truly horrific indeed
Apparently Drake destroyed some historic 1900s house by a prestigious designer to make the embassy that dude really is a colonizer
Ready for the New Moon at 10?
We play on our tvs bro
i mean that is what the ps5 would be for but to each his own and i'll be the first to tell ya i feel it
baka is the mole im guessin?
this genuinely feels like a lost episode of Empire man
so u mean to tell me this Nigga gave us a hint by capitalizing certain letters
calendar IQ 🗓️
if i had to fight the riddler id just quit
I remember when they dropped I seen the all caps and was like ooooh he means business 😭😭
Ready for the New Moon at 10?
Yes that is really me
y’all ain’t ready fr
Ready for the New Moon at 10?
what in gods name could this possibly mean this s*** too funny man
I know everyone is listening to one of the diss songs right now .
I’m listening to Euphoria Rn
i mean that is what the ps5 would be for but to each his own and i'll be the first to tell ya i feel it
Ps5 doesn't have switch exclusives my guy
Prolly a week. And it's fine as long as it doesn't mention guns or shooting
But then again Kendrick really hates this guy
i was thinking that like if it was chubbs, baka or a real ovo guy who got shot he wouldnt delay it but since its most likely some rando secruity guard caught in the middle he might feel differently