here is my cat when i was being annoying and putting crisps on her
These are the vibes we need in this thread
Our GOATs and fandoms dont need the violence. Give her a pet for me
your son's a sick man with sick thoughts, I think niggas like him should die
him and Weinstein should get f***ed up in a cell for the rest their life
he hates Black women, hypersexualizes 'em with kinks of a nympho fetish
grew facial hair because he understood bein' a beard just fit him better
Who remembers this
This dumb mofo
Random ass ktt2 shotout in here lmao
!'s that and timestamp?
Who remembers this
Lmao this was crazy but he’s redeemed himself over the years, I really like Shawn now tbh
if u add periods to the end of your texts you’re taken much more seriously.
When you’re a texting a girl and you add lol to the end of everything you say so you don’t come off as cold.
Song was ass to me outside of the I think nigga like him should die part
Nigga don’t believe shjt kf what he saying
you don't think drake is a groomer who manipulates women? you think that's a lie?
That's the point lmfao
Funny because they ended up winning the rap battle so what are you saying with this?
they’re posting good p**** in here