thanks for getting ITT, you’re a good poster
Haha thank you, I try
Not as on KTT/2 as I have been, if it was 2018 my ass would be parked in here for 18,800 pages, but such a WORLD-HISTORICAL moment as this requires me to get back on my effortpoasting s***
Stop it.
Are you enjoying what I’ve laid out for you?
Well rEach and find yet more.
The Real nEX t breadcrumb is sure to leave you
ShOckeD and full of Awe!
MN op
T rex soda?
Y’all start over going the trollling and ruin the thread. Tske this up the Drake section
sab u gotta mute the trolls who gets everyone’s bpm up in these threads
i’m tryna stay levelheaded
Nah just ban niggas who bring up 16 being “legal”
Yeah right
Free him....
Tired of the lies and games with u mods...
sometimes i mute people just to feel something..
This thread right now
I think a package was sent to you the other day at my place for some reason lmao @Keepthereceipt
sometimes i mute people just to feel something..
Don’t make me avi post you