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  • May 8, 2024

    What happened?

    Trolling itt

  • May 8, 2024
    1 reply



  • nephew 🦫
    May 8, 2024

    What happened?

    Masturbating video

  • May 8, 2024

    It's been so crazy how hateful social media has been towards Drake that even some Kendrick fans are now defending Drake because they can see just how disingenuous people are being regarding Drake's side and everything he has to say in this beef.
    Drake needs 3 things to completely seal this thing as a win for him:
    1. Post proof of baiting Kendrick with the misinformation.
    2. Post proof of his abuse towards Whitney.
    3. Drop an undeniable banger and then just dip.
    Social media can say whatever they want after that but the people who aren't mentally ill will be able to see the truth after all of that.

    He woulda already dropped 1 and 2 if he had them and Kendrick beat him to the punch on 3, thats why he lost

  • May 8, 2024
    1 reply

    It's been so crazy how hateful social media has been towards Drake that even some Kendrick fans are now defending Drake because they can see just how disingenuous people are being regarding Drake's side and everything he has to say in this beef.
    Drake needs 3 things to completely seal this thing as a win for him:
    1. Post proof of baiting Kendrick with the misinformation.
    2. Post proof of his abuse towards Whitney.
    3. Drop an undeniable banger and then just dip.
    Social media can say whatever they want after that but the people who aren't mentally ill will be able to see the truth after all of that.

    How Drake going to prove they have been properly checking ids at these embassy parties they letting the public into ?

  • May 8, 2024

    now yall care about kendrick stans over a***yzing lyrics

    I'm not a Drake stan either crodie.

  • May 8, 2024
    1 reply

    But you will listen to a f***ing double album that was extremely heavy handed, come on man.

    i cant read

  • May 8, 2024

    found the video

    download that s*** lmao it will be wiped from the internet

  • May 8, 2024
    1 reply

    @beamo23 you like the new avi?

    I didn't know what it was til just now

    but ngl it's bad reporting to not include "oops— I mean energized"

  • May 8, 2024

    I copied and pasted it chill

  • May 8, 2024

    It's been so crazy how hateful social media has been towards Drake that even some Kendrick fans are now defending Drake because they can see just how disingenuous people are being regarding Drake's side and everything he has to say in this beef.
    Drake needs 3 things to completely seal this thing as a win for him:
    1. Post proof of baiting Kendrick with the misinformation.
    2. Post proof of his abuse towards Whitney.
    3. Drop an undeniable banger and then just dip.
    Social media can say whatever they want after that but the people who aren't mentally ill will be able to see the truth after all of that.

    This gotta be from Drake section lol

  • May 8, 2024

    i cant read


  • LNP 🩶
    May 8, 2024
    3 replies

    As a huge Drake fan thegreatdivine has been right about everything (please please PLEASE let me f***)

  • May 8, 2024

    How are we ever getting to 20k tonight now?

  • Prez 💎
    May 8, 2024
    1 reply

    when i say i'll hit u back its a lot safer

  • sponge 🧽
    May 8, 2024
    1 reply

    As a huge Drake fan thegreatdivine has been right about everything (please please PLEASE let me f***)

    U need to be in there with weinstein

  • May 8, 2024

    It's been so crazy how hateful social media has been towards Drake that even some Kendrick fans are now defending Drake because they can see just how disingenuous people are being regarding Drake's side and everything he has to say in this beef.
    Drake needs 3 things to completely seal this thing as a win for him:
    1. Post proof of baiting Kendrick with the misinformation.
    2. Post proof of his abuse towards Whitney.
    3. Drop an undeniable banger and then just dip.
    Social media can say whatever they want after that but the people who aren't mentally ill will be able to see the truth after all of that.

    Many people are saying this

  • May 8, 2024

    he said “yo dot I got you” like he was about to save the day

    like I said last night

    Kenny really didn't take the lead until after Ye said that coincidence?

  • May 8, 2024

    Has that dano video gone viral yet?

  • LNP 🩶
    May 8, 2024
    1 reply

    U need to be in there with weinstein

    I’m a 69 god

  • May 8, 2024

    As a huge Drake fan thegreatdivine has been right about everything (please please PLEASE let me f***)

  • May 8, 2024
    1 reply
    Willie Wildcat

    Dennis follows her

    Like Father Like Son

  • May 8, 2024
    2 replies

    drake really couldn't find any dirt on kendrick so he just got in the booth and starting lying

  • thundagod

    It's been so crazy how hateful social media has been towards Drake that even some Kendrick fans are now defending Drake because they can see just how disingenuous people are being regarding Drake's side and everything he has to say in this beef.
    Drake needs 3 things to completely seal this thing as a win for him:
    1. Post proof of baiting Kendrick with the misinformation.
    2. Post proof of his abuse towards Whitney.
    3. Drop an undeniable banger and then just dip.
    Social media can say whatever they want after that but the people who aren't mentally ill will be able to see the truth after all of that.

    You know that's a tall order just to say he didn't take an L lol?

  • May 8, 2024
    7 replies

    from what the alleged "Insiders" were saying, Kendrick was actually down to hop on FPS, but Drake only sent Kendrick the beat

    Kendrick asked for him to send the verses on the song, and Drake refused to do it, presumably to avoid getting outrapped twice on his own song

    so I guess that's what led to the version we got

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