West coast niggas known for giving out fades right yes Aubrey, they are
Nigga said
Maybe I'm Jeff and you actually Pierce @sizz
That's how you can really tell if folks chronically online or not
You mean to tell me someone I grew up with, has my contact info, has direct contact with me and can see me IN PERSON if there are truly problems, but nah the follower's list is the tell all get f***ing serious lmao
Ain’t no surface level thinking these 2 men left a company they worked together in for nearly 20 years to build their own business and are spotted literally in public together everywhere and at everything (Grammys, Super Bowl, Chanel). That’s literally his VP and best friend since 14, probably the same time he’s known Whitney (20 years). Niggas are using a social media that didn’t exist in popularity until 2012 and from a woman who posts once a year to determine s***
get a f***ing grip nigga
You niggas are dumb bruh
and this is why i legitimately lost all respect for Drake and his stans
Drake got his hoe ass bm pregnant while Rocky was f***ing, was doubtful about Adonis being his and is now trying to project that feeling onto Kendrick
Lamest mfer ever I swear
Nigga even projected the whole Twitter bot s*** on Kendrick lmao
I just wish lions were as nice with humans as dogs I guess
Cheetahs are a good compromise they're literal giant housecats that run really fast
I love that the MMTBS crown aesthetic is getting iconic in all this, I seen it in drawings, animations and blogs use it, they immortalized that s***
Have you met every lion? This is prejudice
I've never met a lion but I think they eat stuff
It's not their fault
They are hungry but still
This thread was talking about f***ing dogs all last night
Username to post
Cheetahs are a good compromise they're literal giant housecats that run really fast
Isn't there no evidence of a cheetah ever killing a human?
They cool
Kendrick was smart for never rising to drakes gossip because it’s making him & his fans crash out on follower counts & IG comments like high schoolers jealous because the kid they hate has a gf or something
Wake up and smell the OVO coffee
That's how you can really tell if folks chronically online or not
You mean to tell me someone I grew up with, has my contact info, has direct contact with me and can see me IN PERSON if there are truly problems, but nah the follower's list is the tell all get f***ing serious lmao
Rt bro I don't even use socials anymore
Yeah, but ours are funnier.
That's why I'm in here, them niggas sad af over there
and this is why i legitimately lost all respect for Drake and his stans
Drake is 37 YEARS OLD playing games the 14 year old girls he talks to are playing with social media followers to try and take down some grown people
Cheetahs are a good compromise they're literal giant housecats that run really fast
Cheetahs are really cool I went on the cheetah ride at busch gardens and got a bracelet at the gift shop
I’m finna pass on this body I’m John Stockton
……beat his ass and hide the bible if god watchin
Hardest thing ever
I saw tubig listening to Taylor made and yelling at everyone bumping not like us
Taylor Made hands down the worst song that's come out so far
I've never met a lion but I think they eat stuff
It's not their fault
They are hungry but still
Dogs eat stuff too. Dogs have eaten babies
Drake opening up someone who he alleges is a domestic violence victim to his fanbase scouring her social media post and comments for clues doesn’t get called out enough for how insane it is
Cause she can’t go private because they already following and ov hoes would say it’s a sign they are on to something . She can’t deactivate for same reason . She can’t post something saying “ they like making s*** up “ cause people will say she paid to say it
Can’t do nothing or express freely at all anymore