Fake bully, I hate bullies, you’re probably a terrible person
Line had me crying first listen
everything in drake's songs was facts
not sure u can say the same about kendrick
Here’s your quote Prez
if the dutchavelli s*** on reddit is true. Kendrick needs to drop the disses regardless of what Top saying. That nigga Drake demonic
Lucian phone calls are keeping him busy
Butthole Surfers > both
my friend showed me that name and i started cracking up for 10 minutes
were dissing bill clinton now?
Clinton a sick man
dont get me started
wait questlove said kendrick killed hip hop??
I agree in the sense that neither of them truly care about what they are accusing one another of
aye why they crashing out crodie? @bh0stman
looks like The Heart part 6 thread fr
I work with him and can confirm. But that's OG so I'm gonna chill on him lmao definitely gonna question him about this cause why exactly is hip-hop dead now? Cause it supposedly has white industry execs stepping in to protect their asset in Drake?
please ask him to get to work on that Dilla film he promised us
Bro said drake stans have to be closeted
freaky asses need to stay inside
BMO a good user
Except that time he spent a day celebrating the idea someone was molested and compared mocking child abuse to pedophilia right?
great comment at the bottom even explaining why it took so long for these now grown ups to realize what was going on.
When you a teenager and you see a nigga picking up your crush in a brand new jeep you not thinking about none of this s***. And the girls that are fans/ADORE these grown ups don't think anything's wrong.
A LOT of times they look at it as, "I'm so popping I got older niggas coming for me" and it's like all you wanna tell em is
!https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jYOH4a2ltTIThis is from high school me hearing classmates BRAGGING about they 20 something year old boyfriends that we never saw.
@ChiraqPalestine @bluemagic @Beach_kneega @SegaDreamFlash @edumist @Nikedufflebag @Beautfiul_Morning @Slimane
Look man all I know is when niggas in this thread started looking up age of consent in Canada I knew the plot was abandoned
Can someone tell me what Dutch did and his deal with Dubai? Whats that abt