daughter's real. drake is gaslighting because he thinks with the NDAs and kendrick's unwillingness to dox a child and her mother that they can't prove it
In Utero one of my all time faves
Love the albums he produced for Low
Jesus Lizard one of the goat bands
Can't wait the shambles drake stans will face when Kenny dropping the real nukes
I agree in the sense that neither of them truly care about what they are accusing one another of
Who do you believe more, between the guy who bared his flaws on Mr Morale, or the guy who said Free Tory and made music with Breezy
What’s your take on the Hailey Baldwin stuff?
I'm ngl I just looked it up and its not looking good
Saw he dated her when she was 19 and he was 29 and while I always think anyone 25+ dating someone 23 and younger is weird and a sign of immaturity its still technically legal and we don't know how deep that went
But then I saw he knew her through the industry since she was 14 and they were friends and well...
I just thought that nigga was h**** when he brought up evilangel cus I swear those niggas don’t f*** dogs
man i am not believing that s*** at all
this felli btw
The Last of Us TV adaptation was one of the biggest cases of friction between my tastes and the consensus opinion. I thought it was an absolute slog. And Pedro is horribly miscast. episode 3 innocent tho.
it was a slog man and @NobodyWins knows I will go in
I'm ngl I just looked it up and its not looking good
Saw he dated her when she was 19 and he was 29 and while I always think anyone 25+ dating someone 23 and younger is weird and a sign of immaturity its still technically legal and we don't know how deep that went
But then I saw he knew her through the industry since she was 14 and they were friends and well...
Can't wait the shambles drake stans will face when Kenny dropping the real nukes
I want the real nukes (if they real), I think this is left in a weird spot
They copyrighting incriminating videos on socials… it’s over
nah i agree with you, specially they saying s*** might drag till summer.
I think kendrick got 1 track ready to drop still unless he was talking bout "Like That" on that "how many i got in stock?" bar?
why would he talk about like that on a recent track lmao
They copyrighting incriminating videos on socials… it’s over
What’s the justification to even copyright that stuff?
They copyrighting incriminating videos on socials… it’s over
is it the aya video?