winter warz
You might be on an all-time run rn, don’t think I’ve ever seen so many hits.
Need you in
I said I do this for my culture
I said I do this for my culture
the fact that you're using pictures with matching color palettes is whats killing me
Kendra fans reaching Trump fans status isn’t even scratching the surface, it’s been a rough couple days
Kendra fans reaching Trump fans status did it rap 4chan
we got the dog memes in legit conversation
You might be on an all-time run rn, don’t think I’ve ever seen so many hits.
Need you in
wtf is this????
the fact that you're using pictures with matching color palettes is whats killing me
I wonder what type of twisted demented unworldly things kendrick glazers will come up with next!
I wonder what type of twisted demented unworldly things kendrick glazers will come up with next!
drake eats corn the long way
You might be on an all-time run rn, don’t think I’ve ever seen so many hits.
Need you in
Nah get my man in to g&g NOW!
the fact that you're using pictures with matching color palettes is whats killing me
Gotta match the effort Dot puts into his fits