What was this nigga Soulja doing with Rubi Rose at age 16 that’s the real question
I coughed blood when he said “Certified Love Boy. Certified Pedophile”
Meh I saw that on Twitter years ago
also i had to get my lick back because @thegreatdivine weird ass talked too much s*** about beyoncé during renaissance era and now they’re MUTE!
Yea they been awfully quiet.
He won with Not like us, not that satanic school schooter mess of a “song”
As a huge Drake fan he won when he dropped 20mins after family matters
Not like us was the victory lap
He won with Not like us, not that satanic school schooter mess of a “song”
That "song" knocked family matters out of the discussion completely
billie eilish album friday.. UMG told drake and kendrick to wrap it up before the #real steppers drop music.
He won with Not like us, not that satanic school schooter mess of a “song”
You can rest now… the damage has been done.
This would be so different if Not like us never came out stop the GLAZE
im glad this s*** over for now that ebony prince saga kinda ruined the whole thing
im glad this s*** over for now that ebony prince saga kinda ruined the whole thing
As a huge Drake fan it didn’t get ruined if you didn’t get invested
I just been bumping the music for the last week f*** the conspiracies