Can't argue the facts so you resort to baseless personal insults.
Not the brightest bunch.
I am autistic myself
And that boy autistic AUTISTIC
I am on spectrum too lets not have an autist off man just don't got to use it as an insult.
Can't argue the facts so you resort to baseless personal insults.
Not the brightest bunch.
that is one guy and we telling him he weird for being Captain Aubrey saying that. I got nothing personal against you . Its Easter. Its Ramadan . We disagree its not that serious love to you and yours
rap beef and discussion of it could be a fun chat thread but some of y'all do weird s***.
that is one guy and we telling him he weird for being Captain Aubrey saying that. I got nothing personal against you . Its Easter. Its Ramadan . We disagree its not that serious love to you and yours
Only a week left ahki, Eid soon insha'Allah
Only a week left ahki, Eid soon insha'Allah
I have been feeling not 100% health wise so took a break from fasting ( also not muslim just in solidarity) so back to it likely tomorrow
I have been feeling not 100% health wise so took a break from fasting ( also not muslim just in solidarity) so back to it likely tomorrow
I'm no perfect Muslim (who is?) but always take Ramadan seriously. It's my way of detoxing physically and spiritually once a year.
I'm no perfect Muslim (who is?) but always take Ramadan seriously. It's my way of detoxing physically and spiritually once a year.
Love to you. Its nice that no matter what we as humans can find commonality and ways to unite. Taking frivilous things like Music artist is a fun distraction but its not best serving anyone. So knowing you are no perfect Muslim means you are using this to spend time but you know its not that serious too
The face of autism
Only a week left ahki, Eid soon insha'Allah
Last 10 nights, let’s finish strong brothers
When was the last time you guys showered
Love to you. Its nice that no matter what we as humans can find commonality and ways to unite. Taking frivilous things like Music artist is a fun distraction but its not best serving anyone. So knowing you are no perfect Muslim means you are using this to spend time but you know its not that serious too
U muslim?
U muslim?
No . I have close Muslim friends that I care about and was gifted a Quran 2020. I respect the Muslim traditions and faith but I can't claim to be Muslim yet by any means.
When was the last time you guys showered
Also I been keeping the thread chill
Drizzy Corleone gonna send Midrick back to working McDonalds once he drops the next IG caption
Last 10 nights, let’s finish strong brothers
The beginning I was so perfect. The middle was difficult and now its the final stretch. I drank during weekends while fasting though. Which ironicallyh made me consider getting closer and closer to not drinking at all.
When was the last time you guys showered
Took one after walking my girlfriend to her car
No . I have close Muslim friends that I care about and was gifted a Quran 2020. I respect the Muslim traditions and faith but I can't claim to be Muslim yet by any means.
U can claim if u have faith in Allah
It sounds like there are a lot of obligations but its all between the believer and ALLAH(sav) .
Mfs always talking like u aint muslim cuz u do that u aint muslim cuz u dont do that but judging some muslim like that is a gunah that makes them an unbeliever
Allahümme eslemtü nefsi ileyke ve veccehtehü vechi ileyke ve fevvadtü emri ileyke ve elce'tü zahri ileyke,rağbeten ve rehbeten ileyke,la melcee ve la menca minke illa ileyke.
When was the last time you guys showered
Last time I paid the water bill so a few weeks ago.
Took one after walking my girlfriend to her car
where was she going
U can claim if u have faith in Allah
It sounds like there are a lot of obligations but its all between the believer and ALLAH(sav) .
Mfs always talking like u aint muslim cuz u do that u aint muslim cuz u dont do that but judging some muslim like that is a gunah that makes them an unbeliever
I put it the same way I have when I grew up Seven Day Adventist or any religion. I believe there is a purpose to this universe the meaning of love and what all connects us. Sometimes I struggle genuinely with what Allah presents to me and the struggles in my life on if he thinks I am stronger than I am. Because life is a lot. Its tiring. Exhausting. Non stop. Sometimes I don't know how to best cope with the struggles which usually leads me back to having faith in something