Why do you keep referring back to the same insult when not only you were proven wrong (bodybuilding thread, never seen you in there tho) but went radio silent when folks asked you to post your pics
Don’t relapse porky
Whoever needed to see it saw it already. It ain’t like he deleted right away
Still corny
This the type if s*** eminem fans used to post
...you think most of this site couldn't? Assuming no training on both sides
I’m tryna get an argument like this started in here
Kendrick exposing all of his skeletons on Mr Morale so no one has any ammo against him
He’ll be in good hands when he gets 5150’d.
he is perfectly fine just shine the light on what needs to be exposed
good papi's angel
I’m tryna get an argument like this started in here
I have a 6 feet wing span bro Kendrick isn’t touching me lmao
He from the maad city though and he a boxer let’s be real
Don’t relapse porky
Don’t relapse porky
F***ing hell
alright I have piano lesson now I’m out of here bye
Y’all niggas arguing with a 12 year old that’s NUTS
@insertcoolnamehere clapback porky
Don’t relapse porky
rocky 2320 really undefeated this entire thread, bro a menace
Niggas used to post these unironically