  • WINTER 🌨️
    Apr 2, 2024

    Dude p**** 🙂‍↔️🙂‍↔️🙂‍↔️

  • Apr 2, 2024
    1 reply

    Voulez vouz cigaretté

  • Apr 2, 2024

    Dude p**** 🙂‍↔️🙂‍↔️🙂‍↔️

  • Apr 2, 2024

    Dude p**** 🙂‍↔️🙂‍↔️🙂‍↔️

  • Apr 2, 2024
    1 reply
    BlueChew Sean

    Mods, this is OK??

    whats wrong with it
    you p**** too?

  • quadra

    Dude p**** 🙂‍↔️🙂‍↔️🙂‍↔️

  • Apr 2, 2024

    Voulez vouz cigaretté

    Oui biensur

  • Apr 2, 2024
    3 replies

    ​I f***ing hate all of you a******s. I come on here every day and try to talk about Kanye West and the new album and good Fridays and all I get are f***ing copypastas and memes that aren't even funny to a 4 year old with a. I am a moderator and could ban you all at the click of a button but I feel sorry for all of you and don't want to ruin your life by banning you from the one thing you have going for you. I hope you enjoy your s***posting because I'm actually doing something with my life. I f*** 3 different b****es a night and make $125,000 dollars a year while you all sit at make 125000 posts a year on a forum dedicated to another man. I know you all sit home and jerk off to daisy ridley and wish you could be successful at something. but guess what, s*** for brains, you're all pathetic. you are better at speculating what kind of underwear Kanye will wear tomorrow than on how to get your f***ing lives together. I can't believe I wasted 2 years of my life on this s***hole with all of you. I think I literally contracted autism and lowered my IQ to dangerous levels by even being associated with all of you for this long. I can barely even take a s*** without saying doot doot to myself. I went into a store right before closing time last night and said "inb4 ban" to the manager, that's how much you all f***ed me up. f*** this forum, f*** Kanye and f*** you all. I'm done.

  • Apr 2, 2024
    1 reply
    BlueChew Sean

    This pretentious, over a***yzing, "reaching" s*** is corny af. But that's the point of literature and poetry a***ysis If you can support it, it's valid

    Far better than the alternative where the simplest bars go over niggas heads. Like idiots thinking that line on Father Time was somehow a Drake diss

    Tbf I rail pretty hard on the overintellectualization and maturbatory a***ysis a lot of Kendrick stans do, but that seems like a plausible theory to me ngl

  • Apr 2, 2024

    oh yea this turned into drake sxn kompound forum frfr, brodie might say the n word again

  • ​I f***ing hate all of you a******s. I come on here every day and try to talk about Kanye West and the new album and good Fridays and all I get are f***ing copypastas and memes that aren't even funny to a 4 year old with autism. I am a moderator and could ban you all at the click of a button but I feel sorry for all of you and don't want to ruin your life by banning you from the one thing you have going for you. I hope you enjoy your s***posting because I'm actually doing something with my life. I f*** 3 different b****es a night and make $125,000 dollars a year while you all sit at make 125000 posts a year on a forum dedicated to another man. I know you all sit home and jerk off to daisy ridley and wish you could be successful at something. but guess what, s*** for brains, you're all pathetic. you are better at speculating what kind of underwear Kanye will wear tomorrow than on how to get your f***ing lives together. I can't believe I wasted 2 years of my life on this s***hole with all of you. I think I literally contracted autism and lowered my IQ to dangerous levels by even being associated with all of you for this long. I can barely even take a s*** without saying doot doot to myself. I went into a store right before closing time last night and said "inb4 ban" to the manager, that's how much you all f***ed me up. f*** this forum, f*** Kanye and f*** you all. I'm done.

  • WINTER 🌨️
    Apr 2, 2024
    28 replies
  • Apr 2, 2024
    1 reply
    Mr Papi Nigga Dave

    whats wrong with it
    you p**** too?

    I'm ngl, I'm afraid of confrontation. Niggas got me stuttering like Drake was to LeBron whenever I get pressed 🥺

  • WINTER 🌨️
    Apr 2, 2024

  • Apr 2, 2024
    1 reply

    Los odio a todos ustedes, imbéciles. Vengo aquí todos los días y trato de hablar sobre Kanye West y el nuevo álbum y los viernes buenos y todo lo que recibo son putos copypastas y memes que ni siquiera son graciosos para un niño de 4 años con autismo. Soy moderador y podría prohibirlos a todos con solo hacer clic en un botón, pero lo siento por todos ustedes y no quiero arruinarles la vida prohibiéndoles lo único que tienen a su favor. Espero que disfrutes tus publicaciones porque en realidad estoy haciendo algo con mi vida. Me follo a 3 perras diferentes por noche y gano $125,000 dólares al año mientras todos ustedes se sientan a hacer 125,000 publicaciones al año en un foro dedicado a otro hombre. Sé que todos os sentáis en casa y os pajeáis con daisy ridley y deseais poder tener éxito en algo. Pero adivina qué, mierda de cerebro, sois todos patéticos. Eres mejor especulando qué tipo de ropa interior usará Kanye mañana que cómo arreglar vuestras jodidas vidas. No puedo creer que haya desperdiciado dos años de mi vida en esta mierda con todos ustedes. Creo que literalmente contraje autismo y bajé mi coeficiente intelectual a niveles peligrosos incluso por estar asociado con todos ustedes durante tanto tiempo. Apenas puedo cagar sin decirme tonterías. Anoche entré a una tienda justo antes de la hora de cierre y le dije "prohibición de inb4" al gerente, eso es lo mucho que me jodisteis. Que se joda este foro, que se joda Kanye y que se jodan todos. He terminado.

  • Deezed

    ​I f***ing hate all of you a******s. I come on here every day and try to talk about Kanye West and the new album and good Fridays and all I get are f***ing copypastas and memes that aren't even funny to a 4 year old with a. I am a moderator and could ban you all at the click of a button but I feel sorry for all of you and don't want to ruin your life by banning you from the one thing you have going for you. I hope you enjoy your s***posting because I'm actually doing something with my life. I f*** 3 different b****es a night and make $125,000 dollars a year while you all sit at make 125000 posts a year on a forum dedicated to another man. I know you all sit home and jerk off to daisy ridley and wish you could be successful at something. but guess what, s*** for brains, you're all pathetic. you are better at speculating what kind of underwear Kanye will wear tomorrow than on how to get your f***ing lives together. I can't believe I wasted 2 years of my life on this s***hole with all of you. I think I literally contracted autism and lowered my IQ to dangerous levels by even being associated with all of you for this long. I can barely even take a s*** without saying doot doot to myself. I went into a store right before closing time last night and said "inb4 ban" to the manager, that's how much you all f***ed me up. f*** this forum, f*** Kanye and f*** you all. I'm done.

    Bro said "inb4 ban" to his manager


  • AR15 💯
    Apr 2, 2024



  • Apr 2, 2024

    I'm so tired of this guy

  • AR15 💯
    Apr 2, 2024

    Half this thread about to go out sad af

  • Apr 2, 2024

    He's losing it

  • Apr 2, 2024


    something is wrong with this nigga

  • WINTER 🌨️
    Apr 2, 2024

    he really backtracked on everything with the my phone was hacked excuse
    this ya'll mans??

  • Apr 2, 2024
    1 reply

    Balls in my face

  • Apr 2, 2024
    2 replies

    Chubbs looking like he saw the Bron switch up coming


    We don't trust you 🤨