Everyone who's spent any time in the Miami or Toronto club scene knows Drake doesn't ID women that come to his parties.
Really makes you think...
No response or waiting to make a good response objectively would have been better than heart part 6
This is the thing, Drake has leaned on the fact he can record and respond so quickly he rushed the HP6 when he really didn’t need to drop the next day. All that talk about how calculated he is turned out to be cap when the pressure came down
I get where the energy comes from, but it doesn’t take away from everything that nigga has comfortably said about raping women which them 2 weirdo posters keep ignoring
Nigga bragged about getting away with rape that's wild
There's a reason why being a great battle rapper doesn't automatically mean you can make a decent song
Yup. And it’s crazy how our parameters for lyricism has been whittled down to that
This is a defence of Charleston. No one you’re talking to is defending Kodak. You have a cavernous valley where a brain should be
Who would sound good on this beat fam? Such a dope beat, feel like Tyler would go crazy on it
Imma keep it a bean I try to live my life avoiding any video of him speaking so I’m not clicking that. I can’t help but come across certain s*** on IG but yeah you got it
I get where the energy comes from, but it doesn’t take away from everything that nigga has comfortably said about raping women which them 2 weirdo posters keep ignoring
Yeah he’s a weirdo. Them predators move in flocks
Why has nobody come out and said they not working with Drake anymore and why is sza still playing Drake songs at her concerts if Drake a pedophile why nobody trying separate themselves from Drake ?
Who would sound good on this beat fam? Such a dope beat, feel like Tyler would go crazy on it
Niggas in here acting like Charleston White just on YouTube with a controversial podcast
Let him speak for himself. You have this weird obsession with speaking on behalf of men.
not speaking for nobody else, i just don't like seeing people twist s***. they were trying to twist mr dog posting a viral charleston white clip into mr dog cosigning all the horrible s*** charleston white has done. that kind of behavior disgusts me.
This is the thing, Drake has leaned on the fact he can record and respond so quickly he rushed the HP6 when he really didn’t need to drop the next day. All that talk about how calculated he is turned out to be cap when the pressure came down
Most sensible drake fans can admit this
better not see anyone defending charleston white actions man lets leave his goofy ass in the past please
Once we find out what type of degenerate s*** Drake and Future were doing in those Miami parties, it's over
better not see anyone defending charleston white actions man lets leave his goofy ass in the past please
What are you gonna do?
This is the thing, Drake has leaned on the fact he can record and respond so quickly he rushed the HP6 when he really didn’t need to drop the next day. All that talk about how calculated he is turned out to be cap when the pressure came down
but you could say the exact same thing for not like us. didn't they find out a good amount of the lines came right from twitter? kendrick dropped in a rush to cover up his daughter mistake and drake dropped in a rush to keep up an image.