
    So real

    If you not firing them on the 3rd to get 2 days out of it you're doing it wrong

    Everyone is hungover at work the next day anyways

    Real ones know!

  • mutated skin

    its not midnight in compton yet

  • Zack From The Six

    He has to drop the video tomorrow. If he doesn't it's clearly because he is desperate to use the video to push the album's first week sales

    It’s been four months of this thread and you still haven’t learned that Kendrick simply moves on his own accord. if he was desperate about his alhum’s first week sales we would’ve got the video and album by now.

  • ·
    1 reply

    Until what


  • Yayo

    This ain't the same unity as Donda thread smh

    Donda thread really was top5

  • ·
    1 reply


    Like fr or just schizo theories

  • Plight

    Like fr or just schizo theories

    schizo theories

  • ·
    1 reply

    Man I’m so shocked they haven’t done a tv series to really get people into all the lore of the series, it’s actually crazy

    Ima keep it a bean, I only recently started Super and am at Goku Black so idk wtf you’re talking about lmaoo but ima catch up haha

    Oh fam you got sooooo much good s*** coming damn. Imma shut up before I keep talking manga s*** but trust me toriyama (rip the goat ) really passed in the height of his powers. DBS was on its way to becoming what most of us wanted since cell saga all imma say. Deffff keep watching!

  • ThichQuangduc

    Bianca used not like us in story

    Feel like she doesn't really wanna jump in on this one after those allegations...

  • the "community" dont give a f*** about anything.

    they'll call a man pedophile.

    F*** the community

  • ·
    4 replies

    They made whitney delete her IG...

    F*** what the people think I would keep killing him just for that

  • OVO Steve Carell

    the "community" dont give a f*** about anything.

    they'll call a man pedophile.

    F*** the community

    With how society/community has been for quite a while, the fact people calling Drake a pedophile is the last straw for you is very hilarious and that’s coming from a huge Drake stan

  • Zero

    They made whitney delete her IG...

    F*** what the people think I would keep killing him just for that

    oh my god booo hoooo

  • ·
    1 reply

    Bianca used not like us in story

    That’s not really her

  • Zero

    They made whitney delete her IG...

    F*** what the people think I would keep killing him just for that

    Look what you've done with the constant stalking and cyberbullying ovhoes

  • ·
    1 reply

    Oh fam you got sooooo much good s*** coming damn. Imma shut up before I keep talking manga s*** but trust me toriyama (rip the goat ) really passed in the height of his powers. DBS was on its way to becoming what most of us wanted since cell saga all imma say. Deffff keep watching!

    Man I put it off for so long cause I was under the “man that s*** ain’t gonna match to the original” but I’ve never been more glad to be wrong, this s*** is so good from what I’ve seen so far. Now you saying it only keeps going up from here? yea I’m locking in again haha Appreciate that crodie

  • Huge Drake Stan

    With how society/community has been for quite a while, the fact people calling Drake a pedophile is the last straw for you is very hilarious and that’s coming from a huge Drake stan

  • ·
    3 replies

    2024 is Kendrick’s year.

    NLU bigger than Taylor’s whole album.

  • ·
    1 reply
    OVO Steve Carell

    oh my god booo hoooo

    I dont think you should be commenting on Whitney related stuff with your history

  • ManU Minute
    · edited

    2024 is Kendrick’s year.

    NLU bigger than Taylor’s whole album.

  • ·
    1 reply

    15 mins

  • pimpin

    15 mins

    Be prepared for disappointment brother


    I dont think you should be commenting on Whitney related stuff with your history

    you should stop thinking such stuff then


    @Mitchell he real

    he talking about mark chapman like lul tim