I don't. But I am human. Whole albums have been written about being cheated on and you guys downplaying what Kendrick did to her is wild. To have your trust broken like that multiple times will destroy someone's mental. It looks like she had the last laugh anyways.
The cheating Kendrick has done to her will be with her forever. Those scars will always be with her.
she is on the last album pushing him thru therapy and praising his breakthrough and growth at the end of it, you losin it g’z
Playing white knight for another nigga girl is absolutely disgusting and that’s coming from a huge Aubrey fan
Whole time they dont even give a f*** about her best interest
man f*** it let me run the video back real quick the energy way off in here
Eyes don't lie. That girl Whitney got the oppressed eyes freal and Kendrick got those oppressor eyes
Drake stans fantasizing about people being oppressed
Drake constantly raps about f***in niggas girls but now we wanna demonize cheating? As a huge Aubrey fan this cope is the worse one yet
Drake constantly raps about f***in niggas girls but now we wanna demonize cheating? As a huge Aubrey fan this cope is the worse one yet
They’ll brag about it on behalf of him too
Whole time they dont even give a f*** about her best interest
man f*** it let me run the video back real quick the energy way off in here
This part was cold 🥶
I’m not doubting that. My point is that Hov has been doing some snake s*** for a while.
From sending Meek at Drake. Then the Kanye/Pusha attack. Now this….
This isn’t random or coincidental. All of these artists have ties to Hov at some level and have extended attempts at completely ending Drake’s career.
You have valid claims he sent Meek and Pusha/Ye?
You’re missing the most important piece
Hov was behind these early attacks and people always keep ignoring this.
Jay z is not kendrick. They may know the same people (they are f***ing celebrities) but means nothing
“Kanye West would be my favorite artist and that’s just facts”
!https://youtu.be/EeC5Q2hq1es?si=w88q_99snri5ZNXXLol Drake gladly did the Larry hover concert and cried tears and Greeked with YE, after he helped exposed his son and lost him millions in an Adiddas deal.
Drake is legit infatuated with Ye. He’s Drakes real Kryptonite
Jay z is not kendrick. They may know the same people (they are f***ing celebrities) but means nothing
Every time that Yeezy called a truce, he had my head inflated
Thinkin’ we gon’ finally peace it up and get to levitatin’
He could call Ye tomorrow and tell him he wants em to drop a collab album and Ye would stop everything that's going on in his life to do it. We've all heard him speak about Drake and his weird obsession with him. Drake doesn't care about him anymore
Y’all niggas are more than welcome to ask Whitney on a date and give her a better life but she would laugh at your Cheeto stained fingers and that’s coming from a huge Aubrey fan that just ate Cheetos
Drake constantly raps about f***in niggas girls but now we wanna demonize cheating? As a huge Aubrey fan this cope is the worse one yet
I f*** a rappers wife
She ain't even my type but I make the sacrifice
Hov was behind these early attacks and people always keep ignoring this.
so fill me in
what u think jack and jay did to Drake?
He could call Ye tomorrow and tell him he wants em to drop a collab album and Ye would stop everything that's going on in his life to do it. We've all heard him speak about Drake and his weird obsession with him. Drake doesn't care about him anymore
That obsession goes both ways, can’t even have a drake album without multiple Ye subs
she is on the last album pushing him thru therapy and praising his breakthrough and growth at the end of it, you losin it g’z
That doesn't get rid of the pain she felt in that moment.
so fill me in
what u think jack and jay did to Drake?
Clearly its coming out now that dozens of people heard the LIKE THAT verse before it came out knowing Drake would start a war and they allowed it.
Look man, labels clear verses. Period. Even at the top.
If Jay orchestrated all this then this is top 3 things he’s ever done
There's no substance to that. Dre was pretty behind Kendrick