Not really. I asked a simple question to a silly post and kept it at that. You the one trying to psychoanalyze an innocent post
"I know you are but what am I "
You’re driving yourself miserable over an innocent post lol it ain’t that deep and my response to your post wasn’t that deep in the first place. You just sounded like a p**** “inciting violence” it’s Saturday afternoon go get some nandos or sumn whatever yall eat out there.
Lmao that’s the only restaurant I know out there but I do wanna take a trip to London. Find me a Peng ting.
Niggas roasting with only a little knowledge of something or somewhere >>>>>>>>
Nicki and Ice Spice not cool anymore?
No one finds it weird how she falls out with everyone?
I think it's wild how over 15 mill of ice spices "fanbase" were just barbz following the leader, jumped ship right after (along with all those who were just in on the "ice spice is so fire! meme)
Dreamcast Controller >
Dreamcast was amazing if only Sega didn't f*** up the games lineup and give us barely any of their best ips NO F***ING SHINOBI
Dreamcast was amazing if only Sega didn't f*** up the games lineup and give us barely any of their best ips NO F***ING SHINOBI
Y'all boys bout to get me started man
Dreamcast was amazing if only Sega didn't f*** up the games lineup and give us barely any of their best ips NO F***ING SHINOBI
Y'all boys bout to get me started man
Eternal champions, streets of rage, Alex the kid, the list goes on and on
When i first played sonic adventure on dreamcast it felt leaps and bounds ahead of what was out there content and technology wise.....then im scrolling thru the game list seeing all this mid and settling for arcade games like marvel vs capcom and crazy taxi
Still the greatest game Sega ever created
First level still one of the greatest intros ever imo
Dreamcast seriously pushed some boundaries. Had they had some better games they coulda been coming out with the dreamcast 5.0 right about now. You d have thought they learned their lesson with the saturn
My neck hurt like a b**** I hope it isn’t a broken brain stem
My guy
You gotta stop thinking whatever ailment you have is life threatening, it’s bad for your heart
We talkin bout games for the Dreamcast?
Much as i love tekken Capcom vs snk 2 the greatest fighting game of all time
Much as i love tekken Capcom vs snk 2 the greatest fighting game of all time
It really is. Edges out MvC2 for me
It really is. Edges out MvC2 for me
Ryu and sagat over powered af in that game, kyo my goat tho
Dreamcast seriously pushed some boundaries. Had they had some better games they coulda been coming out with the dreamcast 5.0 right about now. You d have thought they learned their lesson with the saturn
i wouldn't even say better games, cuz they had great games. Their timing sucked. They gave up on the Saturn early and then rushed out the dreamcast like it was nothing
nigga i thought this was gonna be a Knuckles song lmao