This guy is trying to make a literal parallel between MMA and recording art. Like bro lol I’m a huge mma fan but the a***ogy falls flat on his face when you realize art doesn’t have an expiration date lol
If art doesn’t have any sort expiration at all when it comes to the current big 3… then why isn’t nas number 1 because he dropped illmatic. One of the best records of all time.
I understand art doesn’t expire in the sense that we can still recognize 90’s albums as classics. But we aren’t saying nas is big 3 with Kendrick. Different eras
It's true Cole wanted nudity for some of the artwork and the artist wasn't comfortable so Cole f***ed him over on the merch royalties. I don't think he ever made it right either. One of the few times Cole made a snake move
Wait this irrelevant, but do they also use the Eazy-E sample in Energy or am I tripping? around 0:40, "he was a gangsta from around thaa way"
feel like the kendrick verse definitely means theres an album on the way.
he saw how his album while many people liked it, didnt have the impact it shouldve had after 5 years break and now he saw how his peers were disappointments too so he had to bring it all back and catch a new spark
I don’t think he really gave a s*** what people thought about the album, it was clearly made for him moreso than anyone else.
Divisive to a degree? Yeah definitely but as long as he sticks the landing on the next one, it’ll age well enough with the rest in his discography.
What's crazy is Cole telling the artist to draw a naked 12 year old girl taking a selfie for the original album artwork, and when the artist refused, he tried to short him on pay.
Explain nigga
Imagine Kendrick just goes radio silent for another 2 years smh
Hopefully this is the start of him being active
This is not hard to imagine lol
Have the whole game left on seen
Did vince stopped rapping and became a fulltime comedian
he has a Netflix series
7 minute drill is still on the album maybe he’s bluffing
What kinda play is that tho
Wasting my jokes on 7 likes on KTT to see them pop up on Twitter 12 hours later lol
He shot himself in the leg 4 times in one diss song
The Trans bar
The Kendrick stuff
The Nas stuff (let nas down)
And the apology in less than a week
Cheddar Bob fr
This really happened????
Probably impossible to find the artist's tweets cause nigga frequently crashes out on Twitter and has had his accounts suspended lmao
This is the most I could find still
What's crazy is Cole telling the artist to draw a naked 12 year old girl taking a selfie for the original album artwork, and when the artist refused, he tried to short him on pay.
That’s not what happened lmfao. The nigga just didn’t get paid for merch sales, but still got paid. They used that picture on the vinyl and it’s just to add on to the theme of the album, not cause Come a weirdo or something lol
lmao y'all need to chill with this conspiracy s***
at most, we get a couple verses on the Keem album later this year
no Kendrick album tho
we're getting something this year, those songs "i feel something" and "tranquilizer" he previewed at the chanel show will be on it. i feel fairly confident about that.
Wasting my jokes on 7 likes on KTT to see them pop up on Twitter 12 hours later lol
Imagine if you said The Diddler in PS chat instead of the stage a month ago
Did vince stopped rapping and became a fulltime comedian
His show bombed so hard he's gonna have to rap twice as hard now