You think Jcole just woke up right and slowly walking to the kitchen to get a bowl of corn flakes with sugar on top?
Nah he woke up this morning like
@Ryuka check this one out
you gotta put me on ur korean plug
Time and location, they calling it timestamp series
they really expect everybody to be up on their stan language
No need to kick a dog when he’s down. Kendrick won’t respond till Drake does
That's not in the spirit of hip hop though. You can't say you're about it and that guy smoking on top 5's if you just let someone diss your discography, height, identity and integrity
I’ve yet to see video of him saying he was gonna take it down
Is this just mandela effect? I swear he said he was gonna take it down??
if he wasn't apologizing then we wouldn't be discussing him
Drake stans were GASSING that diss up that even J Cole cemented as projections.
Where yall at running with his false narratives now
It’s insane how quick everything he’s been working at since 2018 just got thrown out that fast
What did this man think was gonna happen
Drake stans were GASSING that diss up that even J Cole cemented as projections.
Where yall at running with his false narratives now
Very intrigued to see what the next narrative they pull out their ass is
21 better stick with the man that gave him the biggest hit of his life and listen to him before he decides whether or not he wants in
Key got great comedic timing, kgga said he didn't expect to be attacked at Walmart too
NAH IM CRINE BRO this picture
this post gayer then literally nutting in a dudes ass
nutting in a dudes ass
Is this just mandela effect? I swear he said he was gonna take it down??
It’s everyone copying bad information from the first person to steal the video who titled it “Cole apologizes to Kendrick and said he’s gonna delete the diss” without actually watching it through