That’s what Cole saw in his nightmares and didn’t want any part of it
Cole thinking Kendrick Lamar is his friend is so funny to me. Kendrick gonna leave him out to dry to get clowned for all this and not gonna do an ounce of damage control for his “brother” 🤣
Kendrick gotta do damage control now? Y'all just saying anything LOL
It reads genuine to me, taking “lol” more seriously than a thought out opinion is an interesting choice
Its damage control 101
Is this just mandela effect? I swear he said he was gonna take it down??
he did
Bro saying “you fell off” and “I could swat you like a fly” and “half your discog is trash” ain’t a light shove.
Yes it is, he literally calls it a warning shot in the song and talks about how much he respects him, it was the most polite diss ever
Is this the biggest thread in KTT2 history?
It’s the biggest moment in KTT2 for sure
And we haven’t even really started if you think about it
kids on d**** was already a bit much. It didn’t need anything crazy to add more to it
You see the thing with Cole is that he thinks he is smarter than he truly is so he ends up overexplaining a lot of his s***.
This why he comes off as so preachy to me a lot of times. Dude really tries to big bro niggas on the most basic of concepts
Someone gotta have the vid of this
Quote me if you find it lmao
Cole seems fully aware of what's happening to him here and is horrified by it
Someone gotta have the vid of this
This feels like a bad joke with Cole knowing how he was going to bring up his true feelings on stage lmaaaaoooo
“At least I slept with women, not girls
Drake you a predator in this Cole Cole world”
Shawty too young, she don't know the classics
After last night, Cole gonna need therapy like Kendrick did on Big Steppers. Mr. Snorale coming soon