So you don’t think Kendrick is good because you don’t hear other people playing his music?
How do y’all go through life thinking like this
I was just saying that I haven’t met any real dedicated Kendrick fans IRL. I only read their posts online, I figured that if Kendrick was as good as people say then I’d encounter his fans more
I can’t take all of this big 3 slander
Bro went on an interview run crying about Kendrick it’s wild
And it really all started the moment he sat down with Angie Martinez and tried to downplay Control
This is also fair
you got to have balance
Which some Kendrick and Cole fans have superiority complexes
I can enjoy Lupe, Sahbabii, Future, Valee all within the same hour.
Thinking any vibe is the only one you need for the entire day is dangerous
EXACTLY. This is the issue I have with a lot of stans. I don't eat just chicken. I wanna eat other things with it. So why would I not expand my mind and listen to other artists? I find the underlying assumption of superiority very immature
I ain't even realize Kendricks subreddit had 500k members whereas Drakes has only 100k. Literal proof that Kendrick is x5 more Reddit than Drake. It's actually f***ing over.
It's not Kendricks fault but the pseudo intellectual crowd have latched onto him as the smart choice. I should know, I went to college with a bunch of white girls who claimed they loved Kendrick but didn't know any songs of his other than Humble and Alright
Out of curiosity i went to the Drake reddit post about the song and most of them like the song lol
I genuinely don't understand why there's such a Drake stanbase on KTT, I would have assumed the Reddit/KTT venn diagram was a circle
I’ve heard many through the years. Back in 2017 I listened to most of DAMN and wasn’t a fan of any tracks.
So not only did you not finish the 1 album you attempted you ignore a multitude of other projects from said artists which all vary in sound from said project lol you're just robbing yourself
Wait mfs said nobody talking about the diss anymore and I see my TL still talking about it y’all trying every angle now
you didn’t make any points and just exposed yourself as someone that lacks critical thinking.
Whatever you say. All I know is in this thread you have displayed 0 objective takes that aren't just trying to downplay one person involved, that's bad faith discussion.
I didn't question his validity, I asked to to be informed of the criteria he uses when he disqualify people from listening to public available music
Not once did I say you shouldn't be able to listen to rap. I am showing you the hypocrisy of a white foreigner such as yourself diminishing the work of another artist because a white person liked it
So not only did you not finish the 1 album you attempted you ignore a multitude of other projects from said artists which all vary in sound from said project lol you're just robbing yourself
I’m going to play some Kendrick s*** tonight before I go to bed and see what clicks. Ima try and find his best songs and see what he’s about.
I hope drake throws some strays at slim shady and awakens the beast😂🤘🏻
Him and Em cool
Whatever you say. All I know is in this thread you have displayed 0 objective takes that aren't just trying to downplay one person involved, that's bad faith discussion.
Shut the f*** up LMAO
I’m going to play some Kendrick s*** tonight before I go to bed and see what clicks. Ima try and find his best songs and see what he’s about.
And read the lyrics boy