Nigga you @ed Drake on here and was using emojis about someones dead mom. You didn't in good concious seriously say "You guys think Drake would ever go so far to mention Metro boomins dead mom"
nor is it a question worth asking when he didn't mention Donda even when Ye album was titled Donda which was kind of bait to say something stupid
Some people have a code. You look up to Drake so much yet some how you don't have a code. You don't make art even. You make s*** post on her about someones dead mom then act surprised your avy goes missing
Nigga pause having a relationship with Drake for a moment and recognize its not being reciprocated. Un reciporcated love is what most of his albums are about yet as a fan you can't see when you are OBSESSED WITH A GROWN MAN YOU DONT KNOW
Used the 🤔 emoji queried what would Pusha do.
Do you have a problem with all the times in rap battles dead or sick relatives have been used or do you just have a problem because you feel connected to metro?
Either way I don’t care. I didn’t disrespect her I just thought If that situation would be used as a topic
Can y’all go one page without mentioning cock
It was the greatest moment of our life when it leaked
Papiconda will go down in hip hop history
What's up with Drake fans doing this with his numbers?
We switched from excel sheets to using a MySQL table two years ago
Try to keep up
Servus kamerad wusste net dass du deutscher bist
all he said was bratwurst
Nah Drake actually gave this nigga Dot way too much ammo in just a year span why did he do what he did this last year
500 million dollars from universal and a 100 million deal from stake would make anyone go peak f*** it. Dude got sloppy image wise in comparison to how tight his team used to keep it
If you’re siding with Drake on this beef, you’re choosing the wrong side of history.
People like this have been so stressed by drakes run 😂😂😂 trying to emotionally guilt people to be anti drake
It’s a rap battle 😅😅😂😂😂😂
imagine kendrick walks into a dark room and hears "watch how u speak on my name ya know." turns around and sees this
all he said was bratwurst
My bad thought i could assemble troops for ww3 here
It was the greatest moment of our life when it leaked
Papiconda will go down in hip hop history
500 million dollars from universal and a 100 million deal from stake would make anyone go peak f*** it. Dude got sloppy image wise in comparison to how tight his team used to keep it
Going peak f*** it has just always seemed crazy to me to do in that position, ESPECIALLY like you said, how tight and private everything was for such a long time
People like this have been so stressed by drakes run 😂😂😂 trying to emotionally guilt people to be anti drake
It’s a rap battle 😅😅😂😂😂😂
brother look at yourself
People like this have been so stressed by drakes run 😂😂😂 trying to emotionally guilt people to be anti drake
It’s a rap battle 😅😅😂😂😂😂
Yep you can see it fumes a lot of people but I’m just ready for this response cause Kendrick stans swear he untouchable
drake and kendrick both were so nerdy looking lol
Aubrey can’t go aura for aura with Kendrick
Drake better never step outside, because if I see him. OOOOOH, I swear im going to blackout and fight him