Y’all out of respect for J Cole can we not forget this is about him too
man who thinking about j coke
Y’all we gotta hate on Cole too cause I feel bad for leaving him out of the beef
Cole is drake’s sidekick rn
J Cole and being completely forgotten is a surprisingly common duo for an alleged "big 3" artist
Fax my brother
Y’all are laughing but KiLL Edward ain’t laughing in those comments lol I’m out this thread tho
What’s Kill Edward gonna do, kill me?
Drake and Cole only have 1 more show for the tour….
Coke finished on the tour . Few dates with Wayne I thought
Kendrick baiting his ass
He baiting and teasing his ass when really he should stop being a b**** and just slide in that s*** and pound away.
He baiting and teasing his ass when really he should stop being a b**** and just slide in that s*** and pound away.
Y’all are laughing but KiLL Edward ain’t laughing in those comments lol I’m out this thread tho
KiLL Edward
Viktor Vaughn
The real big 3
Y’all we gotta hate on Cole too cause I feel bad for leaving him out of the beef
Cole ducked Youngboy smoke, we do not care about that man
He baiting and teasing his ass when really he should stop being a b**** and just slide in that s*** and pound away.
This facts. I give Drake serious flowers for going toe to toe with heavyweights and never ever ducking smoke when it came to these bars
This is factually wrong
Y’all are laughing but KiLL Edward ain’t laughing in those comments lol I’m out this thread tho
Awwww. Was hilarious. Kendirck really a psycho.
This evidence of how people just gas up anything for whoever they’re rooting for
Now “awwww” was fire lmao
Cole is drake’s sidekick rn
He really doing a 20 min opening set on a “Joint” tour
he also said the last one is better
referring to the scary hours pack saying 4 songs were better than a whole album
I thought he was mocking people saying “the last one was better” about MMATBS
Day after the hype settled.. that kendrick verse really mid as hell
pretending the delivery with the beat isn’t way better than first person shooter is funny asl
I dont remember tbh show me
Not gonna look through your post history. Just maybe be more considerate next time
What’s Kill Edward gonna do, kill me?
are you edward?