Sorry for all the people that got banned because these dumbass mods thought you were the actual iGOAT
There is one of me. And you’ll know when it’s me I’ve made it VERY clear.
Drake has yall mods, fans, everybody working overtime to feel better about the fact Kendrick is simply a better lyricist. Think about that.
This dude has gone out of his way to create a narrative and has been working OT on IG to try and downplay Kendrick
Who gives a F*** if he owns 1% of Kendrick’s deal.
Jay Z owns NAS masters and NAS was signed to him after Ether.
We say you got “ETHERED” because Nas won LYRICALLY.
Kendrick is about to wipe this f***in pedophile clown.
Sorry for all those who were banned on my behalf. You weren’t me. You could never be me. This website has just banned every Kendrick follower and called them me because Drake had paid this site to do so.
HYPEGOD, NUKE, iGOAT, and OvObanger were my only alts you insignificant, insecure, unintelligent f***s.
Keep painting a narrative.
Wait till Kendrick destroys this clown and then there’s nothing left to paint.
It’s about hard, not your fake ass record deals you got from sucking the life out of everyone else and stealing every wave that’s hot.
@Real is a b****
@WINTER you have talked about me every day since I’ve been gone you think about me in your dreams and when you wake up I’m on your mind. I’m your father you f***ing BUM
@sab they should demote your dumbass for falsely banning so many people.
@s go suck drakes d*** you paid off f***in BUM
@sab you are an idiot for blocking mad people that weren’t me
But I guess that was always the goal right?
“We ban anyone talking bad about the boy”
Can’t handle the truth Yall are pussies
Her p*** is terrible
Tell them get me in G&G I made a classic thread in there
Tell them get me in G&G I made a classic thread in there
Which thread was that
just text big sab, we got work 2 do
这个角色的所有人物都被认为是真正的 iGOAT。
嘿,我中的一个。 Y sabras cuando 海哟。 Lo he dejado MUY claro。
Drake 有很多ustedes、mods、狂热分子,他们所有人都在工作,因为Kendrick 的hecho de que Kendrick is simplemente un myjor letrista。皮恩萨洛。
可以创造一个叙事并在 OT 和 IG 中工作来恢复 Kendrick 的重要性。
Jay Z 展示了 NAS Masters 和与 Ether 相反的 NAS。
Decimos que obtuviste “ETHERED” porque Nas ganó LÍRICAMENTE。
肯德里克 (Kendrick) 是一位与马尔迪托·帕亚索·佩多菲洛 (maldito payaso pedófilo) 合作的双关语。
这一切都是因为我的名字而造成的。你没有时代哟。 Nunca podrias ser yo。本网站禁止任何肯德里克和拉莫·德雷克·哈比亚·帕加多(Drake le había pagado)在该地点的行为。
HYPEGOD、NUKE、iGOAT 和 OvObanger 适合我们独特的年龄、jodidos insignificantes、inseguros 和 poco smartes。
Sigue pintando una narrativa。
Espera hasta quedará quedará que que pintar。
如果情况困难,没有虚假的唱片记录合同可以让您观察所有 demas 的生活并抢劫处于 moda 的 cada 或 ola 。
@Real es una perra
@WINTER 每天为我提供一切,让我感到快乐,我在你甜蜜的梦中与你同在,而你的内心却充满绝望。大豆你爸爸,马尔迪托 BUM。
@sab,deberían degradar a tu idiota por prohibir falsamente a tanta gente。
Shordy speak a lil chineselish
Which thread was that
If I told you, you would know who I am. But I am a contributor 👉🏽👈🏽
just text big sab, we got work 2 do
knew you were a mod
@sab you are an idiot for blocking mad people that weren’t me
But I guess that was always the goal right?
“We ban anyone talking bad about the boy”
Can’t handle the truth Yall are pussies
That would literally kill u bruh
15 is nothing
Talk to me when you’ve hit a 25 hr goon sesh meat was out no diddy
I find peace knowing that it’s harder in the streets
We know Drake we know
@sab you are an idiot for blocking mad people that weren’t me
But I guess that was always the goal right?
“We ban anyone talking bad about the boy”
Can’t handle the truth Yall are pussies
Buttons got u pressed