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  • Apr 23, 2020

    Nigga in the 3rd reich

    F***ing yikes

  • Apr 23, 2020
    1 reply

    It´s is not about hit-battles nor my nationality because I also got ears and can listen to the music

    the thread is about a hits battle so it is about a hits battle

    it’s also about ur nationality because you should have already been aware of the hits battle/debates that’s been happening but you weren’t because it’s not in your culture which makes your opinion less valuable which comes back to your ears .

  • Apr 23, 2020

    Of course

  • Apr 23, 2020
    1 reply

    “I know music taste is subjective but damn some people really sacrifice their intelligence for a hot take“

    imagine saying something like this and being from butt f*** Germany having no reference on hip hop and yet talking down to people who are born into the s*** crazy

  • Kengi 💭
    Apr 23, 2020

    the thread is about a hits battle so it is about a hits battle

    it’s also about ur nationality because you should have already been aware of the hits battle/debates that’s been happening but you weren’t because it’s not in your culture which makes your opinion less valuable which comes back to your ears .

    I am aware of hit battles but I just took offense to you saying that Early Drake beats out Kendricks entire cataloge. Noway man. Drake´s whole career? Defenetly.

  • Kengi 💭
    Apr 23, 2020
    2 replies

    “I know music taste is subjective but damn some people really sacrifice their intelligence for a hot take“

    imagine saying something like this and being from butt f*** Germany having no reference on hip hop and yet talking down to people who are born into the s*** crazy

    Good thing Drake was born into hip-hop culture

  • Apr 23, 2020

    love this revisionism. now kanye is on the same level as dr dre in terms of writing. i cant with y'all

    Are you saying Kanye writes as much as kendrick writes?

  • Apr 23, 2020
    1 reply

    Good thing Drake was born into hip-hop culture

    What does that have to do with what i said ?

  • Apr 23, 2020

    only one that would be a competition at this point in that list is wayne and maybe jay

    so yeah


  • Apr 23, 2020

    man kendrick is all you guys talk about and he hasnt dropped in almost 3 years

    Goat s***

  • Purrp 🌚
    Apr 23, 2020
    2 replies

    He would out rap Kanye 30x over

  • Apr 23, 2020

    He would out rap Kanye 30x over

    Best kanye verses much better than best kendrick g

  • Apr 23, 2020

    Good thing Drake was born into hip-hop culture

    He was lmao

  • Apr 23, 2020

    He would out rap Kanye 30x over

    kanye starts dropping big records kendrick wont be able to keep up

  • Apr 23, 2020

    love this revisionism. now kanye is on the same level as dr dre in terms of writing. i cant with y'all

    Yh they cant comprehend how good he is they always have to explain everything away to try and even the playing field

  • Apr 23, 2020

    Y'all ever get tired of just baiting all day?

    he's a master at it lol!! master.. dang i make me laughs

  • Apr 23, 2020

    I mean in a hits battle drake washing everyone and adding the extra soft downy too.

    If we talking raps only one washing him is jay

  • Apr 23, 2020


    your wild

  • Kengi 💭
    Apr 23, 2020
    1 reply

    What does that have to do with what i said ?

    Do you even read the s*** that you write?

    You are trying to gatekeep me but defend Drake biggest culture vulture in hip hop for some unfound reason against one of the most important figures with an actual hip hop background?

    So you would put Over by Drake over something like maad city?

  • Apr 23, 2020
    1 reply

    kanye made cd, lr, grad and 808s

    how tf he is not a better lyricist than kendrick.
    Kendrick is great at making concept albums with interesting stories but kanye does it best too so there aint no comparison

    But I wont let yall act like Kanye isnt a great storyteller when he wants to too.

    I know most of yall just dont wanna admit it but Kanye is not just a goat producer but also a goat rapper.

    I totally agree but kendrick is the best rapper rapping rn imo. I feel like ppl been hating on Kenny cause he hasn't dropped in awhile and ppl see him as this pro-black rapper he's more than that

  • Apr 23, 2020

    I totally agree but kendrick is the best rapper rapping rn imo. I feel like ppl been hating on Kenny cause he hasn't dropped in awhile and ppl see him as this pro-black rapper he's more than that

    RN? hell nah

  • Apr 23, 2020

    Do you even read the s*** that you write?

    You are trying to gatekeep me but defend Drake biggest culture vulture in hip hop for some unfound reason against one of the most important figures with an actual hip hop background?

    So you would put Over by Drake over something like maad city?

    Lmao you are calling him a culture culture based on what you read you have no frame of reference you are a guest here so act like it and it’s cool don’t make wild ass statements you don’t know what’s important in hip hop stop it

    Drake SFG-TML features included has more hits thab kendrick entire discog that’s not even a controversial statement.

  • Apr 23, 2020

    niggas talking reckless cause the king absent. But once the album drop these haters gone run back into hiding.

  • Apr 23, 2020

    Kendrick can easily out rap Kanye and drake

  • Nuja 🫶🏾
    Apr 23, 2020

    These type of threads are pointless, the OP has no substance, there is no real discussion to have from this.

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