Sean and Kendrick
Kendrick and Drake
Pretty sure all of NY was on Kendricks head too after that
Who the hell wants more Sean and Kendrick?? Who wants more Sean in general?
Not hopsin-tier. It’s actually still pretty good. Like if you’re going off of how a lot of older rap fans judge what a rapper should be, that verse was a definitive moment where Kendrick went for the crown and no one made an attempt to take it back. Objectively, you could point to that moment and say he’s one of the greats. (or at least as objective as art can be)
But i think that verse in reality was the defining moment when the standards of hiphop changed. It’s not competition anymore, and I think that’s why a lot of people don’t get anything out of that verse except that he was name-dropping.
It's a very by design "for this moment" verse
Talking about it in 2020. Yeah it definitely was for the moment.
Everything kendrick does is corny to me, but thats just my opinion
Location: Berlin
Talking about it in 2020. Yeah it definitely was for the moment.
It wasn't meant for 2020
kendrick's NY line is the most stupid and disrespectful bar of all time if we are being honest. And I love his music.
kendrick's NY line is the most stupid and disrespectful bar of all time if we are being honest. And I love his music.
only people that was disrespected by that line was washed 40 year old new york rappers that dont listen to words lol
kendrick's NY line is the most stupid and disrespectful bar of all time if we are being honest. And I love his music.
Most disrespectful? Lol king of New York was a f***ing movie 😂
How he didn’t get touched for that king of New York line alone is wild in retrospect
How he didn’t get touched for that king of New York line alone is wild in retrospect
Listen to the third verse in good politics.
It was very unnecessary and honestly just deprived us of more Collabs because rap went into some weird silent subliminal war after that
Big big facts. Hip hop was bout to enter their version of the supergroup era. We kinda still got it with collab albums. What a time and super slimey are classics, but kendrick was on some lame ass bring the old nba back s***. He not Jordan.
only people that was disrespected by that line was washed 40 year old new york rappers that dont listen to words lol
disrespectful to HOV, Nas, Prodigy, Ghostface and the memory of the greateast rapper of all time, The Notorious BIG
Listen to the third verse in good politics.
Not really tryna listen to tpab this morning please summarize it
disrespectful to HOV, Nas, Prodigy, Ghostface and the memory of the greateast rapper of all time, The Notorious BIG
how is what he said different from saying he the best rapper on earth
Regardless of how people feel about the Control verse and how certain people like Jay Elec's verse more blah blah blah
That control verse was a moment. We haven't seen a single verse since that had half the game either scrambling to respond or curse out Kendrick under their breath.
Kendrick living in y'all heads rent free like Drizzy. Its ok to admit he's great, try it.
disrespectful to HOV, Nas, Prodigy, Ghostface and the memory of the greateast rapper of all time, The Notorious BIG
Hov didn’t feel disrespected 😂
Not really tryna listen to tpab this morning please summarize it
Sorry bro can’t help you. Listen when you can
how is what he said different from saying he the best rapper on earth
him saying he is King of NY is the same as him saying he is King of Rock or Baskestaball, he has no business talking that bullshit
People still mad after all this time