  • Mar 13, 2021

    But freedom of speech tho right?

  • Mar 13, 2021

    You can’t tell me this is not like a Nazi germany law bro what the hell

  • Mar 13, 2021
    iCarly Japan

    They should go full france and riot in the streets.

    Americans and British need to learn how to protest properly

  • Mar 13, 2021
    CLB Fractions

    how is that a stupid point? There's a reason politicians cant block people on social media...

    Because they’re f***ing public officials. You keep comparing apples and oranges and thinking you’re making a point.

  • Mar 13, 2021

    deadass ppl don't understand the 1st amendment and how it only applies to the govt not being able to arrest you for speech and even then there are exceptions called "non-protected speech"

    also private companies have the right to ban people off their platforms

    it's f***in stupid how ppl think twitter bans = 1st amendment censorship lol

    freedom of speech does not equal freedom of consequences

    republicans love when companies deny service to gay people but hate when people face consequences for their words by getting banned due to a TOS

    Facts on facts