Already a classic. Instant cop. Cudi’s dedication to speaking to people who go through what he went through is seriously admirable. He stated this as his mission statement and with all the weird paths he’s went down musically, he never really abandoned that content and message.
Boy slow down dropping all that BS memoirs...😭😂✌️
Tbh just glad Cudi out here living his life and ain’t depressed. Let him take his W’s in life
prob an interesting read; mental ups and downs in his life, journey in music, relationship wit ye, diddy blowin up his car, he's had experiences
Coming soon to a Scholastic Book Fair near you
Lmfao his documentary was the most watered down basic ass s*** I anticipate this won’t be any different. Come back when you’re ready to speak on your flaws Scott
Y’all try way too hard to hate this man, lol.
embarassing to see, these are grown men
Why are some of y’all so mean to Cudi man? He’s been through so much and seems to be in a great place nowadays, don’t get what all the negative energy is around his name all the time
Y’all try way too hard to hate this man, lol.
5/6 of the first posts ITT were trolling
This seems like a cool thing, need more artists to do the same. It’s different to read about someone’s life than listen to it on a song idk