'Ye only doing grunts and screams for the voice acting for his character is the most 'Ye thing ever. Dude was prob smiling like a kid in the booth doing that s***. Glad he's pursuing things like this that he can enjoy and his kids can watch one day
I want a moment in the show where Cudi’s character is about to die then we finally hear YeBear say his first words “CUDII NOOOO” before saving him.
Like when Chuckie yelled nooo for the first time in that Rugrats movie
Imagine being a Kanye and Cudi fan at this time.
This probably means more KSG music too
But I mean do we really care? Did it matter for Runaway?
Runaway wasn’t really that good tbh it had great moments but yeah it’s not that good. Saw it once and that’s enough
Looks cool but audio seems way too rough for them to put this out lol
Visuals crazy tho
I mean this feels like a little side project I don’t expect them to go all out on voice acting etc.