wild how people cant fathom that they can still be friends with others who see the world in a different way
Supporting Trump means you're a dumbass. Imagine being friends with one. Cudi needs Kanye for relevancy.
So what if Cudi disagrees on that
respect to cudi for not letting kanye's different political views get in the way of their friendship and respect for each other
respect to cudi for not letting kanye's different political views get in the way of their friendship and respect for each other
You can disagree about politics and still be friends
Americans don't understand that concept
cause a lot of americans political opinions are "black people / immigrants are not people" and "science is not real"
its just their opinion bro you dont it get bro its a free country bro agree to disagree !!
imagine being gay and one of your friends doesnt go to your wedding cuz he thinks gay marriage is bad
You can disagree about politics and still be friends
Americans don't understand that concept
Politics is way too racially involved for this to be a true statement.
cause a lot of americans political opinions are "black people / immigrants are not people" and "science is not real"
You can disagree about politics and still be friends
Americans don't understand that concept
When a lot of “politics” involve whether black people should be treated like human beings or whether LBGTQ people should have equal rights it becomes less about politics and more about being decent human beings
So no, I will not be friends with someone who compromises on those idelas