I don’t remember specifying them tracks man so don’t put words in my mouth
Oh wow youre dull
Listened last night when i was crossfaded dont really know how i feel about it yet i just remember the beat being f***ing hypnotic and great
Oh wow youre dull
Do not f***ing talk to me about dull I just listened to your music hahahahaha
S*** sounds like the audio equivalent to slop
Listened last night when i was crossfaded dont really know how i feel about it yet i just remember the beat being f***ing hypnotic and great
Crossfaded hahahaha u f***ing gimp
extremely good track. was worried this whole thing would be trap adjacent stuff. this sounds like a potent mix of pp&ds and motm1. and ty did his thing. hype activated.
extremely good track. was worried this whole thing would be trap adjacent stuff. this sounds like a potent mix of pp&ds and motm1. and ty did his thing. hype activated.
Whole album is like this glad ur fwing with it
Pretty boring
I don't know if it has always been this way and my nostalgia for it just makes me look at his older music differently
But like whenever I hear a new kid cudi song it always just has this thick layer of like trying to sound much deeper or emotional than it actually is
Like it feels so artificial, like one of those like random posts you'd see on social media that's supposed to be like a "deep thought" but comes across as attention seeking or corny because it was clearly like designed to feel "deep"
Feels like projection
This very accurate
Unfortunately 😔
I don’t buy it, feel like it’s just not seen as cool to be emotionally sincere in an era where everything is dressed in 10 layers of irony or pretense
Whole album is like this glad ur fwing with it
This s*** gonna be amazing then
Is it worth listening to the leaked version
I think what CuDi's displayed best between the two singles is his ability to create vastly different vibes on the same album yet still have it feel cohesive/apart of the same project. It's probably the thing I respect most about his music is all the different vibes he brings each project and how well he executes them
Do not f***ing talk to me about dull I just listened to your music hahahahaha
S*** sounds like the audio equivalent to slop
Oh shut the hell up man that's just low af
This s*** gonna be amazing then
Is it worth listening to the leaked version
I feel like we should experience the album the way it was intended which is by watching the show
I get people not able to hold off til then but I feel like it's really going to take away from the surprise of the show a bit by already knowing the music farts or no farts lmao
This s*** gonna be amazing then
Is it worth listening to the leaked version
Na bro just wait it’s almost here
I feel like we should experience the album the way it was intended which is by watching the show
I get people not able to hold off til then but I feel like it's really going to take away from the surprise of the show a bit by already knowing the music farts or no farts lmao
That’s fair but it is being dropped as an album too
Idk if cudi has commented on what the best way to experience
You’re right that sounds like a good experience to just hear the songs as they come on the show
But being more an album person than a show person I’m tempted to just check the music first