I don’t buy it, feel like it’s just not seen as cool to be emotionally sincere in an era where everything is dressed in 10 layers of irony or pretense
How is that true when every other rapper talking about being depressed?? It is very much the cool thing
Oh shut the hell up man that's just low af
😂😂😂 dont put your s*** out there if you don’t want it critiqued
You’re policing a music discussion and saying only one type of opinion is allowed, blind praise only, no criticism. That’s pathetic. You’re the loser. I was mainly not even criticizing cudi anyways, but rather his fans for dissing people who have a different opinion. Ironically it’s what you also did.
Nowhere did I say that…I literally just responded peacefully to someone who said they didn’t like the song. You can’t claim all cudis music is dogshit tho and come in here acting like the sole purpose of it wasn’t to be toxic and negative…quit lying to urself.
😂😂😂 dont put your s*** out there if you don’t want it critiqued
This is not critique lmaooo you're just being an a****** to someone you don't even know
How is that true when every other rapper talking about being depressed?? It is very much the cool thing
Yeah but it’s only ok if it’s on a high energy beat and surrounded by lines about murder and s**
This track is ok. Kinda bland. Someone said earlier this is a “return to form” this ain’t a return to form lol or that it’s better than every song on motm 3
do what I want is better than this
Nevermind this is not that good like I thought yesterday. He should've released the Thug leak. That's wayyyyyyy better
Pretty boring
I don't know if it has always been this way and my nostalgia for it just makes me look at his older music differently
But like whenever I hear a new kid cudi song it always just has this thick layer of like trying to sound much deeper or emotional than it actually is
Like it feels so artificial, like one of those like random posts you'd see on social media that's supposed to be like a "deep thought" but comes across as attention seeking or corny because it was clearly like designed to feel "deep"
Did you feel this way post bullet to heaven or kids see ghosts?
I got you, don’t worry love.
Oh, hold on me.
I got you, don’t worry love.
Oh, just lay with me.
I got you, don’t worry love.
Oh, you’re so sweet.
I got you, don’t worry love.
Right here is where I’ll be.
Pretty boring
I don't know if it has always been this way and my nostalgia for it just makes me look at his older music differently
But like whenever I hear a new kid cudi song it always just has this thick layer of like trying to sound much deeper or emotional than it actually is
Like it feels so artificial, like one of those like random posts you'd see on social media that's supposed to be like a "deep thought" but comes across as attention seeking or corny because it was clearly like designed to feel "deep"
Nah you’re just thinking way too deep bout this Lmao tf
Nah you’re just thinking way too deep bout this Lmao tf
Its just the immediate reaction my mind has to hearing his music
Its just the immediate reaction my mind has to hearing his music
Well I’ll tell you this this song is basically written in the perspective of the character from the show
mr rager type production with love lyrics
Hoping we get more of this & less Day Trip