  • I found this video to be very interesting, chocked full of double standards and reminding me very much of situations my friend YE has recently been going through.

  • Jan 12
    1 reply

    It also taught me that you can wave your confederate flag and say the N word and keep your corporate sponsors, but other “imagery” and “words” are completely off limits.

  • Jan 12
    1 reply

    It also taught me that you can wave your confederate flag and say the N word and keep your corporate sponsors, but other “imagery” and “words” are completely off limits.

    while the double standard is indeed gross and depressing, doesn't mean you should start defending the nazi

  • Jan 12
    Theory Talk Trader

    while the double standard is indeed gross and depressing, doesn't mean you should start defending the nazi

    Not defending anyone thank you very much, just stating fact.

    Did you watch the whole video?