has archy’s visuals always been this on point? would love to see a video for every song on here
has anyone listened closely to the theme for the cross ? had to play it back a few times , some deep stuff he wrote about , hit different third time around
listened to it front to back 5 times only on vinyl so far. this is easily my favorite record of his holy f*** it is good
Not yet, can anyone send
follow me and go on alpha.ktt2.com and check the pm's
follow me and go on https://alpha.ktt2.com/ and check the pm's
Just followed, pls bless me
follow me and go on https://alpha.ktt2.com/ and check the pm's
This drops officially tomorrow night right?
I spend so much time thinking about this album cus I’m making myself not burn myself out on listening to it
Just followed, pls bless me
sent check the pm on alpha.ktt2.com