Yachty looks like his breath would stank as a kid
imagine hating on Lil Yachty! what has he done to any of you?
When he said if I see purrp thats a homi
yachty is the weirdest of all these guys and in the worst way possible
does he at least drink and smoke now? im fine with people who don't but as soon as he started rapping all graphic about p**** and s*** on other ppls songs i havent been able to get over the idea that hes sayin it all stone cold sober
yachty is the weirdest of all these guys and in the worst way possible
does he at least drink and smoke now? im fine with people who don't but as soon as he started rapping all graphic about p**** and s*** on other ppls songs i havent been able to get over the idea that hes sayin it all stone cold sober
he had to have smoked before if he had a song called rolling up my brocoli🤨
i luv lil yachty but i aint touchin tiktok no way
why not better community than ktt2
why not better community than ktt2
i think im too old for that kind of stuff honestly lmao
why not better community than ktt2
Imagine thinking this