Domestic issues in the US directly impacts support for Palestine by diverting activist energy, shifting political focus, and drowning out media coverage. When domestic crises like economic struggles, racial injustice fights, or removal of basic rights and government support systems take center stage, activists and the public prioritize immediate survival, making it harder to sustain pressure on Palestine-related issues. Politicians, responding to voter concerns, focus inward, using domestic instability as an excuse to avoid foreign policy debates. Media coverage of Gaza also diminishes, limiting public awareness and mobilization.
All the white moderates that might support Palestine no longer can when they’re dealing with 100 other issues immediately surrounding them.
This is pure stupidity
Domestic issues in the US directly impacts support for Palestine by diverting activist energy, shifting political focus, and drowning out media coverage. When domestic crises like economic struggles, racial injustice fights, or removal of basic rights and government support systems take center stage, activists and the public prioritize immediate survival, making it harder to sustain pressure on Palestine-related issues. Politicians, responding to voter concerns, focus inward, using domestic instability as an excuse to avoid foreign policy debates. Media coverage of Gaza also diminishes, limiting public awareness and mobilization.
All the white moderates that might support Palestine no longer can when they’re dealing with 100 other issues immediately surrounding them.
The white moderates you speak of were not f***ing putting pressure on Biden about Palestine
as a canadian id support american annexiation if it gets the quebecois mail bombing again
CDC policy lead for H5N1 abruptly resigns.
as a canadian id support american annexiation if it gets the quebecois mail bombing again
those francos don't play
People forgot they were kindapping, murdering and bombing politicians back in the 70s.
However they refused to get involved in WW1 so Canadian soldiers reputation for horrifying brutality was strictly the anglos surprisingly.
those francos don't play
People forgot they were kindapping, murdering and bombing politicians back in the 70s.
However they refused to get involved in WW1 so Canadian soldiers reputation for horrifying brutality was strictly the anglos surprisingly.
I'm surprised the quebecoise weren't involved yet
WW1 is mythicized into our nation building, i doubt they wanted to play a role in that considering their separatist tendacies
WW1 is mythicized into our nation building, i doubt they wanted to play a role in that considering their separatist tendacies
didnt realize they were already trying to bounce back then
Domestic issues in the US directly impacts support for Palestine by diverting activist energy, shifting political focus, and drowning out media coverage. When domestic crises like economic struggles, racial injustice fights, or removal of basic rights and government support systems take center stage, activists and the public prioritize immediate survival, making it harder to sustain pressure on Palestine-related issues. Politicians, responding to voter concerns, focus inward, using domestic instability as an excuse to avoid foreign policy debates. Media coverage of Gaza also diminishes, limiting public awareness and mobilization.
All the white moderates that might support Palestine no longer can when they’re dealing with 100 other issues immediately surrounding them.
white "moderates" do not care about the Palestinian struggle, please decondition yourself
Hypothesising the morality of firebombing a Walmart in my hamsic discord server
Hypothesising the morality of firebombing a Walmart in my hamsic discord server
americans love to exist in a country carved out of massive violence against the indigenous, black people, and other colonizers and then hypocritically condemn when that violence is turned around on them
The Gaza Strip would be turned over to the United States by Israel at the conclusion of fighting. The Palestinians, people like Chuck Schumer, would have already been resettled in far safer and more beautiful communities, with new and modern homes, in the region. They would actually have a chance to be happy, safe, and free. The U.S., working with great development teams from all over the World, would slowly and carefully begin the construction of what would become one of the greatest and most spectacular developments of its kind on Earth. No soldiers by the U.S. would be needed! Stability for the region would reign!!!
americans love to exist in a country carved out of massive violence against the indigenous, black people, and other colonizers and then hypocritically condemn when that violence is turned around on them
Lmao where did you get that from my message
Who said I would condemn someone if they were to firebomb a Walmart? My point was that it’d just amount to hypothesising rather than doing anything, people who stand by their words >
President Donald Trump said Thursday that he's forming a task force to be led by the Department of Justice to "eradicate anti-Christian bias" within the federal government and prosecute violence against Christians.
Trump said he would be launching a presidential commission on religious liberty and signing an executive order putting Attorney General Pam Bondi over the initiative, which he said he was creating to confront "weaponization" and "religious persecution" of Christians in the United States.
Thought he almost had the all time Freudian slip and called us the United States of Israel