First (and only?) Dem politician to speak on it so far basically Dems are all on watch now. Don't think a single Republican has commented on this apart from agreeing with Trump
Got told this morning that my raise is delayed by at least 3 months due to uncertainty around tariffs
We gotta raise each other up. Hold strong. I believe in you
Is this guy serious?! Tesla is about to drop even more
It really explains why hes running mouth so much on twitter. Hes shook
We gotta raise each other up. Hold strong. I believe in you
I prose a KTT Trust Fund.
So basically Dems are all on watch now. Don't think a single Republican has commented on this apart from agreeing with Trump
Literally can’t read any of these tweets in full because they won’t pull up.
So basically Dems are all on watch now. Don't think a single Republican has commented on this apart from agreeing with Trump
F***ing ANN COULTER is against this.
It really explains why hes running mouth so much on twitter. Hes shook
I’m telling y’all man.
Once the furries survival instincts kick in it’s over.
They don’t want that smoke.
I’m telling y’all man.
Once the furries survival instincts kick in it’s over.
They don’t want that smoke.
u know a lot about them?
I’m telling y’all man.
Once the furries survival instincts kick in it’s over.
They don’t want that smoke.
Yea, idk what youre talking about furries.
u know a lot about them?
Massive correlation between “hacktivists” and furries.
Massive correlation between “hacktivists” and furries.
it’s sort of like one of those barbz things
if too much dip on my chip was a facial expression
If this happens to me I’ll be so f***ing distraught man
I’m sick just thinking about when i start having to go in full time. F***ing cubicle hell gonna shoot myself unless I get blessed with a closing door office but even that s*** would just be a bandaid on a gaping wound.
Been working upwards each year and having to commute full time now is basically the largest pay cut of life
It’s up for me gang, getting called back into the office full time
What industry are you in
It’s up for me gang, getting called back into the office full time
This is how they’re going to get around laying people off. Some will just say f*** it.
Anyone know how maga folks have reacted to Trump saying that he won’t rule out a recession today
The true test of their cope is about to enter Stage 2
States have been notified that they will not receive 2025 funding for schools to buy food from nearby farms.
The Agriculture Department has axed two programs that gave schools and food banks money to buy food from local farms and ranchers, halting more than $1 billion in federal spending.
Roughly $660 million that schools and child care facilities were counting on to purchase food from nearby farms through the Local Food for Schools Cooperative Agreement Program in 2025 has been canceled, according to the School Nutrition Association.
"Something we ought to think about with the state--the regime coming down and disappearing Comrade Mahmoud--is that they've done this before. They’ve systematically targeted and assassinated activists in this country. Yes, yes, there's the iconic and oh-so-famous instance of the FBI shooting and killing the sleeping 21-year-old Fred Hampton. But of course, there are also the countless Black Lives Matter protesters who were done the same way--Darren Seales, DeAndre Joshua, Edward Crawford Jr. The list goes on.
Typically, the state isn’t so open with their repression, although it appears the Trump administration like to be open.
Typically, they try to be a little slick about it. They like to pretend they don’t do this sort of thing anymore, that they’ve moved past the days of COINTELPRO and death squads. But under Trump? They dropped the act. They got bold.
As we saw with the targeted assassination of Michael Reinoehl in 2020.
The police literally hunted him down and killed him after he allegedly killed a Nazi during a protest--a member of the Patriot Prayer Group. So, the police retaliated, hunted him down, and made him an example. They were open about that one, and they’re even more open about this one. The White House literally put out a big poster celebrating the disappearance of Mahmoud Khalil, who was snatched from his home in the middle of the night.
They want you to see it and understand the message: step out of line, and this could be you.
His wife is eight months pregnant.
His wife is an American citizen.
He holds a green card.
He’s a permanent resident.
He’s being deported extrajudicially, purely due to his political beliefs, due to him expressing his liberties--due to him speaking out against the Palestinian genocide, against our continuous funding and arming of Israel, against our imperialist policies.
He’s being held in some black-site detention facility in Louisiana. No one knows exactly where. No one knows what’s happening to him. And let’s be honest: he might not make it out alive.
And if he doesn’t? What will be the consequences for the people who did it? What will happen to the agents, the bureaucrats, the politicians who signed off on it?
That’s the point.
Do you see now? Do you see the stakes?
This isn’t blue versus red, Democrat versus Republican. Because all those Black Lives Matter protesters who were systematically hunted down and killed--that was under the Obama administration. And then it continued into the Trump administration. And we saw how the Biden administration used military-grade force against the 2024 Campus Encampments.
So, what do we notice from the fact that all these people have been assassinated over the last stretch and as far back as the systems and powers that be have existed in this country? We know that it’s because this is a class war. It is a class war. But here’s the thing: only one side currently sees it as a class war. The rich see it as a class war.
You have the rich, the capitalists, the owners, the bourgeoisie.
They are on one side of the class war.
They are fully aware that this is a war. That’s why they spend billions on police, on private security, on surveillance, on propaganda. That’s why they fund politicians to make sure the laws keep working in their favor. That’s why they’re willing to assassinate people who threaten their power.
On the other side of the class war, you have the working class, the proletariat and the lumpen proletariat. That’s your workers and your hustlers, okay? We are fractured, divided intentionally and struggling to gain footing in this class war. Workers and hustlers versus owners, capitalists, exploiters, bourgeoisie.
Workers and hustlers versus owners and exploiters. Like it's Tekken.
And how does the war play out?
Through exploitation. Through extraction. Through control.
The bourgeoisie, the capitalist class, controls the government. That’s why it’s called a bourgeois democracy. When it was founded, it was historically progressive, meaning it was more progressive than a monarchy. That was 250, 300 years ago. You see what I’m saying? Bourgeois democracy--controlled by the rich, the landowners, the people who own 400 acres of land, the people who operate the 20 different corner stores in your neighborhood selling lottery tickets.
The lumpen proletariat? That’s the people outside the corner store, peddling what needs to be peddled. The proletariat? That’s the guy running the cash register inside the store. That should give you a very basic understanding of the class breakdown.
Now, here’s the thing with the class war: the bourgeoisie, the owner class, the capitalist class, seeks to extract as much surplus labor value from the working class and the lumpen proletariat as possible. The hustlers and the workers get squeezed so the boss can get a second Ferrari. Or his third yacht. Or go to space. Whatever it may be.
That’s the system. That’s the game.
We call this surplus labor value. The money you earn for a company, the money you make peddling something, the money you make hustling--the money you generate for a corporation significantly outweighs the amount of money you actually make. You work at Circle K for $10.50 an hour. While you’re there, you sell $10,000 worth of product. After all is said and done, you made $7,000 for the company. But the difference--the gap between what you produce and what you actually take home--goes to your boss and his bosses. And the goal of the capitalist, the goal of their class war, is to exploit us as much as possible so they can continue to profit. To maximize the surplus labor value.
We believe labor is entitled to everything it creates.
The goal for us? To seize the government, the state, in order to destroy their entire class.
So that way, the largest class--the working class--has democracy, has the government. That’s why they call it the dictatorship of the proletariat. A state run by and for the working class. Where the people who have control over the state aren’t the rich, but the workers--the people who actually make things happen in this country.
That’s why they fear revolution. That’s why they spend so much time, energy, and money making sure we never get there.That’s why they kill people. Profit over people. Their profit over your life.
So, we know it’s a class war. We know they have been killing our people. They have been attacking our troops--well, okay, we know they’ve assassinated key figures. But let’s extrapolate this out further. They see no difference between soldier and civilian.
When the Club Q shooting happened in 2022 in Colorado, Tucker Carlson--the son of the Swanson Frozen Food Company heir, a literal part of the capitalist class--gets on TV and basically says, "Well, hey, you got got." They laugh about working-class people being murdered. They mock the victims. And the way they talked about that event? The language they used? It was intentional, designed to encourage more events like it. And it was clear they were saying, "Well, hey, you got what you got."
That’s part of the class war.
They say, "Oh, it’s not a class war. They were just targeting trans people. It’s not class war, it’s just LGBT stuff. That’s different. That’s identity politics." No. That’s another part of their trick.
Because one of the most powerful weapons we have in our arsenal--as the workers and hustlers of this country--is solidarity. If we ever actually realized the power we have--if we ever actually stood together--this entire system would crumble overnight.
The people who were murdered in that nightclub? All working-class people. Regardless of what they believed, how they expressed their freedom in a country that, since the very beginning--though it has never been able to live up to this expectation--has talked about honoring personal liberties and freedom of expression. The people who were killed in that shooting? Working-class people. The people who were killed in the Buffalo shooting? Working-class people.
When you start looking at it like that, it’s like--wow. We’ve been under attack for a long time.
When you’re working at an Amazon warehouse and they say, "Hey, look, you’ve got to come in. Yeah, there’s a hurricane going on, yeah, it’s flooding, but if you don’t come in, you’re fired." And if you get fired, you’re homeless. And you’ve got 100,000, maybe 250,000 homeless people in this country already. A quarter of the country is unemployed, having a job is a blessing. And your medication would be unaffordable without a job. So, you don’t want to join them. So, you go into work. You hustle. And you get swept away in the floodwaters. And you die.
That is class war. That is an act of violence.
Social murder, as Engels called it.
So, if we know it’s a class war--if we know it’s a systemic assault on the workers and hustlers of this country--then why do you think they let fentanyl run wild in our communities? Do you think the rich people snorting cocaine in their mansions are worried about fentanyl? No. They’ve got the pure s***. But if we die? Hey--another f***ing poor son of a b**** dead. That’s a W for them.
And then, they trick another poor son of a b**** into saying, "Well, it was a personal choice. He shouldn’t have been using d****. Good riddance."
And just like that? Solidarity is broken. The most powerful weapon we have--gone. Now, workers and hustlers are fighting each other instead of fighting the real enemy.
So that they can continue to profit and snort up all our money.
This is part one of a two-part series.
We know what a class war is.
Next, we’re gonna talk about what a protracted people’s war and anti-imperialism via a Leninist line."
Man legit said “You can’t do that” to Canada’s energy tariffs.
I don’t think they expected any pushback at all this At point, they figured everyone would just fall in line.
They clearly went too hard too fast.
Anyone know how maga folks have reacted to Trump saying that he won’t rule out a recession today
The true test of their cope is about to enter Stage 2
Dude f***ed up by becoming a public persona. I will probably buy a new car this year and there is not even an one percent chance it's going to be a Tesla
Dude f***ed up by becoming a public persona. I will probably buy a new car this year and there is not even an one percent chance it's going to be a Tesla
really you shouldnt be buying tesla for the fact that it surveils you 24/7 even if your car isnt started