  • Big Tobacco

    why are you surprised lol

    This is what Dems always do

    Fake opposition to help push the US farther and farther to the right

  • CrimsonArk

    If the admin is allowed to go full steam ahead with no checks, wonder how long til we see them exert a significant, noticeable influence on media (movies, games, books etc.).

    Will we be seeing plugs pulled on all sort of productions, things indefinitely shelved, destabilizations of entire industries, outright bans of media within a matter of months?

    I feel like outside of economic hardship, that’s what’s gonna really lead to backlash, maybe even more so in a lot of instances.

    when it comes to movies/tv, hollywood is already on a pretty tight leash as far as what type of films and tv shows get approved and don't. I mean I remember claire danes talking about doing CIA classes in preparation for a role. but I will wonder what type of films they'll want pushed to a more mainstream audience. will we just get more military propaganda films? more pro-american imperliasm? and how different will it be from what we already get today.

    I will say its interesting that there is this one republican representative in some state that was trying to shut down a theater for doing a screening of No Other Land so... I could see things like that being implemented in certain cities

  • ·
    1 reply

    If the admin is allowed to go full steam ahead with no checks, wonder how long til we see them exert a significant, noticeable influence on media (movies, games, books etc.).

    Will we be seeing plugs pulled on all sort of productions, things indefinitely shelved, destabilizations of entire industries, outright bans of media within a matter of months?

    I feel like outside of economic hardship, that’s what’s gonna really lead to backlash, maybe even more so in a lot of instances.

    Media has been like this for decades lmao yall just choose not to pay attention

  • Big Tobacco

    Media has been like this for decades lmao yall just choose not to pay attention

    it's not always easy to notice, especially in this modern age where hollywood likes to pat themselves on the back by releasing "eat the rich" films feigning some sort of solidarity with working class people. and for many that's just enough for them.

  • CrimsonArk

    If the admin is allowed to go full steam ahead with no checks, wonder how long til we see them exert a significant, noticeable influence on media (movies, games, books etc.).

    Will we be seeing plugs pulled on all sort of productions, things indefinitely shelved, destabilizations of entire industries, outright bans of media within a matter of months?

    I feel like outside of economic hardship, that’s what’s gonna really lead to backlash, maybe even more so in a lot of instances.

  • Big Tobacco

    why are you surprised lol

    This is what Dems always do

    Fake opposition to help push the US farther and farther to the right

  • theyre cracking down on poppers f*** this