  • Nov 14, 2019
    1 reply

    Square out here prostituting my fav series smh I hate to see it

  • Kr0niic ☘️
    Nov 14, 2019
    1 reply

    Kingdom hearts 1.5 + 2.5 + 2.8 coming to Xbox never thought I’d see the day

    Pc release now plz

  • Nov 14, 2019

    Square out here prostituting my fav series smh I hate to see it

    Lol guess they finally decided to give it to Xbox people too.

  • Nov 14, 2019

    Dude where is the PC release? Seriously...

  • Nov 14, 2019
    1 reply

    They finally put the KH3 demo on the PS and MS stores

  • Nov 14, 2019
    1 reply
    Just D

    They finally put the KH3 demo on the PS and MS stores

    one year late lmao

  • Nov 14, 2019
    1 reply

    They also updated the game. Added a “special” section onto the title screen. DLC imminent.

  • Nov 15, 2019

    The latest patch fixed the lock on mechanic. It’s instant now.

  • Nov 16, 2019
    1 reply

    one year late lmao

    Was hoping they would put the FF7R demo up before it came out but doubt it now lol .

  • Nov 16, 2019
    1 reply

    They also updated the game. Added a “special” section onto the title screen. DLC imminent.

    Ready for this DLC bruh

  • Nov 16, 2019
    1 reply
    King Jerm

    Kingdom Hearts 3 fails only because of the unfair and unrealistic expectations it had due to making us wait for over a decade. It was self inflicted.

    nah not at all. there are a lot of bare minimums they f***ed up on.

  • Nov 16, 2019
    Just D

    Ready for this DLC bruh

    Man Oathkeeper AND Oblivion. Enough said breh

  • Nov 16, 2019
    Just D

    Was hoping they would put the FF7R demo up before it came out but doubt it now lol .

    didn't think of that.. but yeah, it aint happening

  • Nov 17, 2019
    1 reply

    nah not at all. there are a lot of bare minimums they f***ed up on.

    Lets debate lol

  • Nov 18, 2019
    1 reply

    1 more month

  • Nov 18, 2019
    CNA Lov3ly

    1 more month

    I see it dropping in January if we’re keeping it a stack

  • Nov 18, 2019

    Kingdom hearts 1.5 + 2.5 + 2.8 coming to Xbox never thought I’d see the day

    Pc release now plz

    PC version would be something else

  • Nov 18, 2019
    1 reply
    King Jerm

    Lets debate lol

    Here's an old post I had on the matter

    Overall I've enjoyed the f*** out of the game, but I'm not too arrogant to admit that the majority of that love stems from my 16+ years of being in love with the series and its characters. The gameplay is excellent and the game looks stunning. A lot of people are mad about the story, but to be honest I'm not mad at all about it. Yeah it's allover the place, but I've accepted that years ago. In order to appreciate the story just look past all of the extra s*** going on in the background and reduce it to "we have to stop the bad guys and save our friends/the world" because when it all falls down, that's what it is at its core.

    The game is a beautiful gold necklace, but instead of being solid gold it's plated. On a surface level everything is good, but when you really take the time and think how many F***ING OBVIOUS things that were in the other installments that they skimped on in this game.

    1. No FF characters. It's not okay. Period. KH was built on the back of being a Final Fantasy and Disney crossover and up until this was released a couple of weeks ago, it was. I've seen people argue that FF was just filler in the previous installments and that it wasn't necessary to be there anymore. Those people are wrong on so many levels, the FF characters played a major role in the narrative in both 1 & 2 and even if they didn't they were still fixtures in the series and removing them out of nowhere does the players a major disservice.

    2. Lack of Disney characters and Disney characters serving no purpose. In Kingdom Hearts 1 you got the full cast of movie characters in each world and there were references and appearances by other disney characters that popped up in other places (the lady and the tramp signage in traverse town, beast showing up in hollow bastion, the dalmations,etc). If I remember correctly, in KH2 you didn't get the randoms outside of Merlin and the McDucks, but you still got a full cast of disney characters in every world you went to. In KH3 not only do you not really get the random appearances (with the exception of Remy, Merlin, and the McDucks) but dare I say the Disney casts in each world are lacking? Take Toy Box for example. There's no reason that we didn't see so many more toys. I get the voice acting dilemma, but I think I speak for everyone when I say I wouldn be mad if they didn't have voices and you strictly interacted through text dialogue. Would have been an easy, welcomed addition.

    3. The worlds are f***ing hollow and big for no reason. They look gorgeous but they serve no purpose. There's no real hidden areas to explore or puzzles to complete like there were in KH1, KH2, and BBS and places you think would be explorable aren't (twilight town is the most obvious example of this). We got teased with this idea of large open worlds with things like NPCs when in reality what we got were large open worlds that serve even less of a purpose than worlds in previous games.

  • Nov 18, 2019

    Here's an old post I had on the matter

    Overall I've enjoyed the f*** out of the game, but I'm not too arrogant to admit that the majority of that love stems from my 16+ years of being in love with the series and its characters. The gameplay is excellent and the game looks stunning. A lot of people are mad about the story, but to be honest I'm not mad at all about it. Yeah it's allover the place, but I've accepted that years ago. In order to appreciate the story just look past all of the extra s*** going on in the background and reduce it to "we have to stop the bad guys and save our friends/the world" because when it all falls down, that's what it is at its core.

    The game is a beautiful gold necklace, but instead of being solid gold it's plated. On a surface level everything is good, but when you really take the time and think how many F***ING OBVIOUS things that were in the other installments that they skimped on in this game.

    1. No FF characters. It's not okay. Period. KH was built on the back of being a Final Fantasy and Disney crossover and up until this was released a couple of weeks ago, it was. I've seen people argue that FF was just filler in the previous installments and that it wasn't necessary to be there anymore. Those people are wrong on so many levels, the FF characters played a major role in the narrative in both 1 & 2 and even if they didn't they were still fixtures in the series and removing them out of nowhere does the players a major disservice.

    2. Lack of Disney characters and Disney characters serving no purpose. In Kingdom Hearts 1 you got the full cast of movie characters in each world and there were references and appearances by other disney characters that popped up in other places (the lady and the tramp signage in traverse town, beast showing up in hollow bastion, the dalmations,etc). If I remember correctly, in KH2 you didn't get the randoms outside of Merlin and the McDucks, but you still got a full cast of disney characters in every world you went to. In KH3 not only do you not really get the random appearances (with the exception of Remy, Merlin, and the McDucks) but dare I say the Disney casts in each world are lacking? Take Toy Box for example. There's no reason that we didn't see so many more toys. I get the voice acting dilemma, but I think I speak for everyone when I say I wouldn be mad if they didn't have voices and you strictly interacted through text dialogue. Would have been an easy, welcomed addition.

    3. The worlds are f***ing hollow and big for no reason. They look gorgeous but they serve no purpose. There's no real hidden areas to explore or puzzles to complete like there were in KH1, KH2, and BBS and places you think would be explorable aren't (twilight town is the most obvious example of this). We got teased with this idea of large open worlds with things like NPCs when in reality what we got were large open worlds that serve even less of a purpose than worlds in previous games.

    4. No coliseum/arena. People are saying this will be future dlc, and it probably will, but that's not okay. This is something that should be there from the get go and it's a major staple in kh and its post game content. It's f***ing EASY to add and execute and their blatant refusal to do it from the jump speaks volumes on how they approached this game.

    5. No multiplayer, I didn't have huge expectations for this and it doesn't bother me all that much but the last 3 installments all had it so I was kind of expecting it. A versus mode would have probably been simple to execute and could have been really really fun.

    6. Lack of post game content and secret bosses. KH2 was pretty lacking in this department pre final mix but KH1 had 4 secret bosses (5 after FM) and excellent coliseum challenges. BBS was pretty loaded too. KH2 ultimately became the best in post game content after FM came out and I can only hope that the same holds true here because as it stands now 1 secret boss with seemingly no canonical ties just isn't gonna cut it for me.

    7. No walking characters on the menu. This is so small but was lame to me. How you gonna f*** that up?

    8. Lack of Keyblades and other collectibles. This is a tricky one because keyblade transformations make adding more keyblades difficult and if we're being realistic in this game and in games past the majority of the keyblades never see use any way, but I can't be the only one who is bummed that there aren't more. Especially the lack of oathkeeper and oblivion.

    9. Lack of Disney Boss fights and lack of KH villain fights prior to end game. The lack of disney fights has been beaten to death already so I won't bore you with more of that, but I will focus in on the lack of (actually complete absence of) KH boss battles prior to end game. In KH1 you had Riku fights, FF fights, and fights like anti sora throughout the course of the game to supplement Disney fights and heartless fights. In COM you had KH fights between pretty much every floor. In KH2 you had organization fights throughout. Same s*** goes for BBS. In KH3 you don't challenge one of the real bad guys until end game despite the fact that you have one show up in each world along the way. Why not let us have a crack at them in that world before fighting them again in end game? This becomes especially obvious when you take into account the fact that in end game you fight them in groups where they're nerfed and you fail to get a true boss battle experience with them. So poorly executed.

  • Nov 25, 2019
    1 reply

    Kingdom Hearts II is the definition of big, hollow Disney worlds. Every room is a big hallway or chamber designed for fighting. This isn’t a knock as it’s my favorite game in the series, but if you’re going to levy this criticism against KH III — it must be applied to the other games that are guilty of this.

  • Nov 30, 2019
    The Scientist

    Kingdom Hearts II is the definition of big, hollow Disney worlds. Every room is a big hallway or chamber designed for fighting. This isn’t a knock as it’s my favorite game in the series, but if you’re going to levy this criticism against KH III — it must be applied to the other games that are guilty of this.

    Yeah when you compare the two it's noticeable how much of a difference it makes by just populating it a bit. KH3 worlds had a better atmosphere because of that. Didn't need nor want NPCs in every area of the world but they were there when it counted. KH1 could have used some of that for the coliseum scenes for instance lol.

    And yeah some criticisms I see against KH3 aren't really held against the other games that have them or people forget they had them. With the different versions and what not some people do get confused on what the vanilla states of each games were.

  • Nov 30, 2019

    World of Tres Saturday concert in Japan. Maybe they will give some new tidbits there.

  • Nov 30, 2019
    3 replies

    Looks like Nomura did show up to the concert. Seems like some new modes were announced. A photo mode and slideshow mode. Also fast pass and black code that change the difficulty. And a trailer next month.


  • Nov 30, 2019
    Just D

    Looks like Nomura did show up to the concert. Seems like some new modes were announced. A photo mode and slideshow mode. Also fast pass and black code that change the difficulty. And a trailer next month.



  • Nov 30, 2019
    Just D

    Looks like Nomura did show up to the concert. Seems like some new modes were announced. A photo mode and slideshow mode. Also fast pass and black code that change the difficulty. And a trailer next month.


    Let’s gooooo. The new modes got me intrigued. Still didn’t finish my level 1 run because of Death Stranding.
