The bundle price is actually pretty decent but I think it will be lower in key stores in a few days
Smh at work and I have plans after work. Probably won’t be able to start playing until Friday evening.
Smh at work and I have plans after work. Probably won’t be able to start playing until Friday evening.
That menu music goes dummy hard
Idk what emotional crack they sprinkled in KH1-2 but that s*** hits all kinds of feelings man they really don’t make games like that anymore
Idk what emotional crack they sprinkled in KH1-2 but that s*** hits all kinds of feelings man they really don’t make games like that anymore
bro i promise. i boot these games up and instantly get in my feels lowkey
Idk what emotional crack they sprinkled in KH1-2 but that s*** hits all kinds of feelings man they really don’t make games like that anymore
Fr fr
Idk what emotional crack they sprinkled in KH1-2 but that s*** hits all kinds of feelings man they really don’t make games like that anymore
its 100% the music
Idk what emotional crack they sprinkled in KH1-2 but that s*** hits all kinds of feelings man they really don’t make games like that anymore
I really thought this year would be the year we got more info on 4
I don’t see anything new being said til next year now unless they have a surprise before the year is up
I really thought this year would be the year we got more info on 4
I don’t see anything new being said til next year now unless they have a surprise before the year is up
if we dont get anything at d23 its over
I really thought this year would be the year we got more info on 4
I don’t see anything new being said til next year now unless they have a surprise before the year is up
game releasing in 2028 at the earliest
game releasing in 2028 at the earliest
Nobody gonna care at that point
yeah : /
They did so much legwork to make the new series interesting, anime levels of lore
They concluded xehanort saga so badly but idc because I need to know how every past character ended up in the future, what the “real world” is and how it’s connected, the data verse, demyx
But I’ve been left waiting for so long that I don’t care
KH first arc even felt dragged out over 10 years but at least you got a lot of games in those 10 years
Feels like they’re not gonna be able to finish MoM saga for another 20 at least. I don’t even think this game will come out till after ff7 3
They did so much legwork to make the new series interesting, anime levels of lore
They concluded xehanort saga so badly but idc because I need to know how every past character ended up in the future, what the “real world” is and how it’s connected, the data verse, demyx
But I’ve been left waiting for so long that I don’t care
KH first arc even felt dragged out over 10 years but at least you got a lot of games in those 10 years
Feels like they’re not gonna be able to finish MoM saga for another 20 at least. I don’t even think this game will come out till after ff7 3
Looks like you might be wrong about your last sentence Actually very surprising news to me. Kinda expected the series to just keep going or at least have another story saga.
Looks like you might be wrong about your last sentence Actually very surprising news to me. Kinda expected the series to just keep going or at least have another story saga.
I don't think this means what you're interpreting. KH will almost certainly continue after KH4, I think he's saying KH4 will be a "complete story." He'd say the same about KH1, 2, etc.
I don't think this means what you're interpreting. KH will almost certainly continue after KH4, I think he's saying KH4 will be a "complete story." He'd say the same about KH1, 2, etc.
Yeah, that sounds a bit more accurate.
Yeah, that sounds a bit more accurate.
I think we’re getting a few bigger games with some side stuff maybe iPhone stuff or animated films but I don’t think he’s setting up for
I think this means all plot points will be finished up soon and he’s not adding a bunch more s***
Looks like you might be wrong about your last sentence Actually very surprising news to me. Kinda expected the series to just keep going or at least have another story saga.
IN ASFFFFFFF 🙌🏼🙌🏼🙌🏼🙌🏼🙌🏼🙌🏼
But video games take so long to make nowadays idek what this means