Strong argument can be made that he has not topped the track Kiss Land since it dropped.
After Hours song is just as good if not better
After Hours song is just as good if not better
Pure cap. Not even in the same tier
Strong argument can be made that he has not topped the track Kiss Land since it dropped.
He hasn’t.
After Hours song is just as good if not better
I love After Hours, it's probably the only song that you can make the argument for, but I don't think it even comes particularly close to topping KL.
EDIT: just listened to KL for the first time in maybe a year or so. How anyone could think After Hours compares to this on any level is utterly beyond me.
Strong argument can be made that he has not topped the track Kiss Land since it dropped.
Tears In The Rain is one of the greatest closers of all time
that f***ing bridge
Just a reminder that Adaptation is better than every single song on After Hours.
i have always felt like this album deserved a better album cover
it's a damn shame