He did what
Did you not read OP bro? This how they tie him up for hours til he defecates & humiliates himself, this has caused him to vomit (causing lacerations in his mouth).
all jokes ITT aside this man is getting his human rights violated in there and that's f***ing horrible.
forreal niggas are really demons in this thread
Bro they literally 4 point restrain him for six hours at a time!
This is the position Kodak s*** himself in & vomited at the same time this is not normal or okay
Bro wtf
I honestly would ONLY wish this on child molesters this is Guantanamo bay type s***
I dont think anyone should be just straight tortured unless theyre a serial rapist, molester or terrorist. Or serial killer.
As far as i know he hasnt done either of these 4
wtf some of y’all got issues, nobody should be f***ing tortured, they should receive the regular punishment for their crimes
forreal niggas are really demons in this thread
nah folks got zero concept of the s*** that really happens like all that evil sadistic s*** yall see in movies people are really like that except the superhero doesn't exist
i pray this type of s*** doesn't happen to someone yall know so you don't have to realize how wrong u are for making fun of this
Yeah... Ha-Ha they flicked his private part. pee pee haha we're on the playground apparently with yall clowns
Nah. this s*** is literal torture. How the f*** are they getting away with this. It's literally a human rights violation but they really built prison to be slave labor and molestation-allowed facility in this country