Realistically you could probably do every other day
If your physically active/sweat a lot then yeah you should shower everyday
It also depends on the climate of your area.
Who’s everybody? Lol unless you legit don’t have a shower accessible what’s stopping you from atleast taking one.
I don't think someone who is depressed and can't get out of bed cares about taking a shower
This how i know yall dont hit the gym
Showering every day is the bare minimum you can do for self care
Also it's fun to shower
Realistically you could probably do every other day
If your physically active/sweat a lot then yeah you should shower everyday
Homie lives in South Florida where it is often hot and muggy, especially during the spring and summer. If bruh ain't showering everyday and living in those conditions that nigga definitely stink.
Homie lives in South Florida where it is often hot and muggy, especially during the spring and summer. If bruh ain't showering everyday and living in those conditions that nigga definitely stink.
Lol read my post above
I'd say this belongs in Life sxn but I'm sure the convo has already been had there, and niggas gonna start arguing any minute so
South GA humidity means multiple showers a day sometimes during the summer
Prime swamp ass weather conditions
I’ve experienced all of those things and still took daily showers. yall musty niggas need to stop making excuses.
What if you go camping?
If you have medium to long hair you better wash it everyday unless you want to reek
You’re actually not supposed to wash your hair everyday lol that’s how you build up oil in your scalp
lol you’re not supposed to wash ur hair everyday. Just condition it everyday and wash every 3 days
More like every week and half for afro hair
I condition 2-4 times a week tho
You’ve taken a shower every single day of your life?
I take showers daily but ive def skipped days
Being sick, being drunk, not leaving the house being depressed
I’ve taken atleast one shower daily for the most part unless I didn’t have acces to one like back in high school No had to hike in the woods for a week. But besides that especially in my adult life…. Yeah. Even when sick or depressed.
Realistically you could probably do every other day
If your physically active/sweat a lot then yeah you should shower everyday
What if it's the summer?
Homie lives in South Florida where it is often hot and muggy, especially during the spring and summer. If bruh ain't showering everyday and living in those conditions that nigga definitely stink.
When I’m in Florida I almost wanna shower twice a day
If you sweating a lot and all the time, u should take one every day especially if u going out the house, dont gotta be long ones either.
But if not skipping a day ain't gonna kill u lol