Yall do know you can still smell good without showering everyday right?
Yeah but there is more to showering then just for smelling good
Y’all never been camping
I enjoy camping but I can’t stand the feeling of being dirty and not being able to clean yourself up
no wonder this project baby looks so damn stinky
nigga need to exfoliate. stink with cologne on smh
You ever step in somebody bathroom and there’s no wash rags, but the soap bar be wore out
Dorming with white folk in college was...an experience. Had to teach one what a washcloth was and how to use it. They wasn't using soap either. Just putting bodywash in their hands and washing themselves that way
still waiting for quarantine to be over so I can shower
Dorming with white folk in college was...an experience. Had to teach one what a washcloth was and how to use it. They wasn't using soap either. Just putting bodywash in their hands and washing themselves that way
No way
I bet it was the 3in1 type body wash s*** too
Yall do know you can still smell good without showering everyday right?
dat nigga ace stinky
If you reek after skipping one shower you definitely have a rotten diet and should detox.
Y’all don’t be doing s*** ? Lol dawg if you sweating everyday you gotta wash.
None of us would be here without c**
Not the lizard people who lick their eyes to moisten them.
Yeah but there is more to showering then just for smelling good
Im responding to the people saying it’s musty to not shower everyday. Some of yall just got B.O lol
Y’all don’t be doing s*** ? Lol dawg if you sweating everyday you gotta wash.
Niggas stay inside the room 24/7 thinking they don’t have to shower be the mains ones
room smells like dirty socks and corn chips aka GameStop
Not the lizard people who lick their eyes to moisten them.
I'm obviously not talking about them Gerald
If u showering twice every single day u not really getting money like that
No way
I bet it was the 3in1 type body wash s*** too
S*** was appalling son there was no way they was washing their asscracks or nothing if that's how they were bathing
Im responding to the people saying it’s musty to not shower everyday. Some of yall just got B.O lol
Oh true, I feel you.
I enjoy camping but I can’t stand the feeling of being dirty and not being able to clean yourself up
Idk when I'm camping I don't really feel it... it's just fun and when you take that home shower it hits different
Dorming with white folk in college was...an experience. Had to teach one what a washcloth was and how to use it. They wasn't using soap either. Just putting bodywash in their hands and washing themselves that way
Damn people really don't use a washcloth or loofah, that's wild to me
Dorming with white folk in college was...an experience. Had to teach one what a washcloth was and how to use it. They wasn't using soap either. Just putting bodywash in their hands and washing themselves that way
Whats wrong with no washcloth lol. It leaves me dry as s***. You either trust in soap or you dont
Kodak is a rapist