If I had that money back then it'd been way different, coulda bought my grandmomma a new kidney...
If I had that money back then it'd been way different, and I'd probably never had to be a menace
He's really been getting back on track these last few projects. I predict a Kodak classic in 2025
he finally dropped penitentiary
Does this have one good song on it?
Same Altima first song I clicked on and first song I liked from the album.
Kodak restoring the feeling with Christmas themed mixtapes
None of the songs even deal with Christmas like that but this tape was hard
This s*** is hard
That being said I feel very uneasy about just glossing past this man repeatedly referring to using meth in his music
I need this nigga music extremely far away from kids
This tape slap. Every time I think he’s cooked or falling off, he comes back and drop some fire