10/10 film
the music surround sounds was amazing kristen stewart really transformed could easily see her getting that oscar n i even fancied her a bit
whereas in real life she does nothing for me
amazing shots, tad long towards i fell asleep
the music surround sounds was amazing kristen stewart really transformed could easily see her getting that oscar n i even fancied her a bit
whereas in real life she does nothing for me
amazing shots, tad long towards i fell asleep
Couldn’t agree more. The film is amazing. Kristen did amazing. She sometimes has these roles where she’s attractive af. But in real life it’s a
When the dancing sequence started I remembered the "Joker for women" comment
I loved that sequence tho a lot, makes the whole movie for me
But yeah as soon as she was dancing in the wide open hallways I was like ‘ohh yeah this is where the joker stuff came from’
The joker stuff is whatever but if she was on some scary lighthouse style A24 movie and played an unravelling, scary women who sunk into madness she would kill it
Although I guess this was kinda that for her anyway
God I hope she wins everything
And the Oscar
real recognize real
Except he said "not so much" to the movie
Except Cage a real nigga and what he says goes
Except Cage a real nigga and what he says goes
Isn't the first time he's been wrong
Watching this again in theater
One of the greatest movies oat
Just watched. Kristen was in her Oscar bag for this, she killed it. The movie was kinda long tbh but I'm not gonna lie, this is one of those movies that feels like a 'film' and not a movie, if you get what I mean. The montage/dancing sequence was dope too, best part of the movie