I Just Wanna Party
!https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=1mbIf4or6ig&pp=ygUVaSBqdXN0IHdhbm5hIHBhcnR5IHlnI’m Good
!https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=G0hCmAwthAE&pp=ygUNZ3JpbmQgbW9kZSB5Zw%3D%3DIM GOOD
I Just Wanna Party
!https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=1mbIf4or6ig&pp=ygUVaSBqdXN0IHdhbm5hIHBhcnR5IHlnI’m Good
!https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=G0hCmAwthAE&pp=ygUNZ3JpbmQgbW9kZSB5Zw%3D%3DLegendary duo whom I'd hoped to see more of tonight, tbh.
Legendary duo whom I'd hoped to see more of tonight, tbh.
YG vz who??
Goood question.
F***, erm.
Nipsey??? Honestly, idk.
I won’t allow that to happen to Nipsey
this didnt get played
An obliteratingly great Future hook.
this didnt get played
and this didnt too?????
!https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q4_Luckf5bEAND U POSTED GUCCI ON ME
Last but not least
Freaky Friday
and this didnt too?????
!https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q4_Luckf5bEAND U POSTED GUCCI ON ME
A c***and Chris Brown, a double whammy for Artist
See if it was me it would of been 11-2
i dont got No Mercy
this was for kdoggy and artist