Why yall ain’t @ me
And my ___ run deep
So deep
So deep it put hndrxx ass to sleep !
And my ___ run deep
So deep
So deep it put hndrxx ass to sleep !
I’m Different
I’m Different
!https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=e2QKlmMT8II&pp=ygUNaSdtIGRpZmZlcmVudA%3D%3D&t=4sMY JAM.
I’m Different
Rap used to be so good even rappers u didnt like that much were dropping classic songs u loved
The audacity of that fat boy to say Tupac is back
The audacity of that fat boy to say Tupac is back
2pac didnt even like fat people smh
Me and broke niggas we don’t get along