This deserves its own thread cos its going around everywhere atm and has now been debunked by a KTT user
S/O @onedeep for the research
The last part of the Family Matters video with the posters of Drake's "daughter" was filmed at Andy Curnew's mansion in Toronto. Andy Curnew is the guy in the red bandana at the end of the video. He's a Toronto ex-con turned entrepreneur who hosts Diddy-style parties at his mansion for Canadian celebrities.
The shack at the end of the video is a replica of Curnew's jail cell and the newspaper pinned to it (I believe) has to do with Curnew's arrest.
This pic is from 2021 and you can see the newspaper is already there. In other words, the newspaper has nothing to do with the Drake/Kendrick beef, as some people were speculating, it's just Curnew's home decor.
I'm looking for more pics of this guy's backyard to see if the posters are new or if they have been there for ages (in which case they would have nothing to do with Drake ofc)
found proof that the posters were in Andy Curnew's backyard dating back to 2021. In other words they are NOT Drake's "daughter" they are just decorations he has in his backyard
Here's a FB post from a guy who visited Andy Curnew's house in 2021 (found by searching "Andy Curnew Bridle Path" on FB, first result)
Peep this image in the album.
Look under the tree on the left. That's the same poster from the music video. 3 YEARS AGO. Drake didn't put this up for the music video.
found by @onedeep but he cant make threads
This is the most irrelevant information because it doesn’t actually acknowledge if Drake has a supposed daughter
This is the most irrelevant information because it doesn’t actually acknowledge if Drake has a supposed daughter
This is the most irrelevant information because it doesn’t actually acknowledge if Drake has a supposed daughter
it debunks the theory that someone (via drake) fed kendrick fake info
The guy did a lot of research, for that? Lol
i suggest u keep quiet before he launches an investigation into you too
Also saying he hosts “Diddy parties” is a wild accusation and surely you got some proof behind this?
i suggest u keep quiet before he launches an investigation into you too
come and investigate here in Brazil Lol
The guy did a lot of research, for that? Lol
Drake Stans been running with the absolute schizo take that Drake planted photos of his fake daughter in his video all morning
it debunks the theory that someone (via drake) fed kendrick fake info
It doesn’t. It just shows Drake didn’t acknowledge the child rumor in that music video lmao.
so earlier this was definitve proof that drake manipulated kendrick with fake info
but now that its proven false its irrelevent
drake stans are hilarious
Drake Stans been running with the absolute schizo take that Drake planted photos of his fake daughter in his video all morning
There is no daughter my friend, how could he hide it for 11 years????? use your head
so earlier this was definitve proof that drake manipulated kendrick with fake info
but now that its proven false its irrelevent
drake stans are hilarious
Nobody enjoys when their cope gets demolished in 5k
so earlier this was definitve proof that drake manipulated kendrick with fake info
but now that its proven false its irrelevent
drake stans are hilarious
so earlier this was definitve proof that drake manipulated kendrick with fake info
but now that its proven false its irrelevent
drake stans are hilarious
So if Drake doesn’t end up having a daughter who did Kendrick get that info from? While screaming “YOU HAVE MOLES” as a warning shot in prior disses?
so earlier this was definitve proof that drake manipulated kendrick with fake info
but now that its proven false its irrelevent
drake stans are hilarious
he used the house for just that lol