I tried to get y'all to message me privately but when can y'all pay? @Dreezy @Papi_Champu
I tried to get y'all to message me privately but when can y'all pay? @Dreezy @Papi_Champu
What is this, im not tryin join another league
Dude been tagged in every league update for a month and says he didn't want in on the day of the draft
I tried to get y'all to message me privately but when can y'all pay? @Dreezy @Papi_Champu
On um…Friday!
Okay so best option at the moment is dropping two guys so it's a 10 teamer
Other option is we delay the draft until Wednesday and wait for a 12th guy
Okay so best option at the moment is dropping two guys so it's a 10 teamer
Other option is we delay the draft until Wednesday and wait for a 12th guy
didnt @PapiPedro wanna join i forget
didnt @PapiPedro wanna join i forget
Yeah I'm down @Robinhood
Yeah I’m down f*** it
Sorry brother I really appreciate you but @PapiPedro replied first
Sorry brother I really appreciate you but @PapiPedro replied first
still on for 7? @PapiPedro
Draft in a hour - unless Pedro can't make it lmao
Draft in a hour - unless Pedro can't make it lmao
Yup I'm down
Draft in a hour - unless Pedro can't make it lmao