I think this is everyone. One dude isn't on KTT
Let me know if you're out
$25 buy-in
I think this is everyone. One dude isn't on KTT
Let me know if you're out
$25 buy-in
I think this is everyone. One dude isn't on KTT
Let me know if you're out
$25 buy-in
I think this is everyone. One dude isn't on KTT
Let me know if you're out
$25 buy-in
When are we drafting before I’m in
When are we drafting before I’m in
Not decided yet but I'm hoping weekend before kickoff
Not decided yet but I'm hoping weekend before kickoff
That cool just @ me when y’all get a draft date and time and most likely I’ll be good and in.
Vote on Draft date
Sept 1st - monday
Sept 2nd - sunday
Aug 29th - Thursday
Invite link
Invite link
I'm already in as joker
I think this is everyone. One dude isn't on KTT
Let me know if you're out
$25 buy-in
You forget me?
Invite link
@mvp i was supposed to tag you not Saturn
Vote on Draft date
Sept 1st - monday
Sept 2nd - sunday
Aug 29th - Thursday
I’m camping for Labor Day
Only an 8 man?
Vote on Draft date
Sept 1st - monday
Sept 2nd - sunday
Aug 29th - Thursday
I voted 9/2 but I'm down for the 29th if that works better. After 8pm EST tho
Leaguesafe and draft order coming today
Draft date likely 8/29 since some fellas are gonna be unavailable on the other days
i did the draft order but I f***ed up the settings so it wasn't fair
The "luck" was activated in the first run. And I'm not f***ing anyone over because in that sim I had first pick
This is the new run
$25 buy in - leaguesafe.com/join/4233086
Draft 8/29 8:30PM EST
Draft order above